Data Parameters and Units:
The information below is a breakdown of the datasheets in the dataset. Each datasheet has a brief description about the sheet and a list of relevant parameters for that datasheet. Sheet “Dry Weight” – Dry weight of EPS produced by (filtrates of) Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunaliella tertiolecta. Data fields: Treatment (species, type of treatment) ([Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Dunaliella tertiolecta], [filtrate, unfiltered]), Number of flasks combined, Total volume of flasks (ml), Weight empty cup (g), Weight dried EPS + cup (g), Weight dried EPS (mg), EPS dry weight per flask (mg), EPS dry weight (ng per ml); Sheet “Proteins” – Percent of nitrogen (measured) and percent of protein (calculated) of EPS produced by (filtrates of) Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunaliella tertiolecta. Data fields: Sample name [blank, standard, filtered, unfiltered, Duna, Diatom, methionine], date (MM-DD-YYYY), time (hh:mm), type [unknown, st andard deviation], weight (milligrams), protein factor (used to convert Nitrogen content into protein content: N*6.25 = protein content. The average nitrogen content of proteins is about 16 percent 1/0.16 = 6.25.), %N Total Nitrogen dry weight per sample dry weight (%), %protein Total protein dry weight per sample dry weight (%); Sheet “SDS-PAGE” – Protein polypeptides visualised by SDS-PAGE gel, % in lanes/bands based on molecular mass. Sample: unfiltered Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Data fields: Band no.(1 – 10), Band label, Mol. Wt. (KDa), Relative Front, Volume (OD), Abs. Quant., Rel. Quant., Band (%), Lane (%); Sheet “Polysaccharides – Filtrates” – Total polysaccharides of EPS samples produced by filtrates of Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunaliella tertiolecta. Data fields: Date (DD/MM/YYYY), Time (hh:mm:ss), Absorbance mode of Tecan i-control application and infinite 200Pro device, Temperature (degrees Celsius), Start Time (DD/MM/YYYY), End Time (DD/MM/YYYY), Absorbance (nanometers), glucose (ug/ml microgram per milliliter); Sheet “Polysaccharides – Unfiltered” – Total polysaccharides of EPS samples produced by unfiltered Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunaliella tertiolecta. Data fields: Date (DD/MM/YYYY), Time (hh:mm:ss), Absorbance mode of Tecan i-control application and infinite 200Pro device, Temperature (degrees Celsius), Start Time (DD/MM/YYYY), End Time (DD/MM/YYYY), Absorbance (nanometers), glucose (ug/ml microgram per milliliter); Sheet “Monosaccharides – unfiltered P.t” – Monosaccharide composition of dried EPS produced by unfiltered Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Data fields: Relative response ([Sample Name (Evi, Evii), Weight (mg), Uronic A (%w/w), Internal Standard (ug), Relative Response]), Sample Area ([Sample Name (Evi, Evii), Weight (mg), Uronic A (%w/w), Internal Standard (ug), Area]), Uronic Acid ([Sample Name (Evi, Evii), Weight (mg), Uronic A [(%w/w),(ug/ml)], Dillution (ml)]), Sugar composition in mol% ([Sample Name (Evi, Evii), Weight (mg), Rha, Fuc, Ara, Xyl, Man, Gal, Glc, Uronic acid, Total (w/w%)]), Sugar composition in w/w% ([Sample Name (Evi, Evii), Weight (mg), Rha, Fuc, Ara, Xyl, Man, Gal, Glc, Uronic acid, Total (w/w%)]); Sheet “Monosaccharides – others” – Monosaccharide composition of dried EPS produced by filtrate of Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and filtrate and unfiltered Dunaliella tertiolecta. Data fields: Relative response ([Sample Name (f.D-A, f.D-B, f.I-A, f.I-B, U.D-A, U.D-B), Weight(mg), Uronic A (%w/w), Internal Standard (ug), Relative response]), Sample Area ([Sample Name (f.D-A, f.D-B, f.I-A, f.I-B, U.D-A, U.D-B), Weight(mg), Uronic A (%w/w), Internal Standard (ug), Area]), Uronic Acid ([Sample Name (f.D-A, f.D-B, f.I-A, f.I-B, U.D-A, U.D-B),, Weight (mg), Uronic A [(%w/w),(ug/ml)], Dillution (ml)]), Sugar composition in mol% ([Sample Name (f.D-A, f.D-B, f.I-A, f.I-B, U.D-A, U.D-B), Weight (mg), Rha, Fuc, Ara, Xyl, Man, Gal, Glc, Uronic acid, Total (w/w%)]), Sugar composition in w/w% ([Sample Name (f.D-A, f.D-B, f.I-A, f.I-B, U.D-A, U.D-B), Weight (mg), Rha, Fuc, Ara, Xyl, Man, Gal, Glc, Uronic acid, Total (w/w%)]);