This dataset reports petroleum hydrocarbon data and oxygen concentration data for laboratory experiments conducted to assess the relation between (aerobic) biodegradation of light crude oil, present of dispersants and presence of suspended solids (e.g clay). Experiments were conducted with no dispersant, and with dispersant to oil ratios of 1:20 and 1:100, using either weathered or crude oil and were tested in duplicate. Replicates were sampled 10 times over approximately two months for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons. Oxygen consumption was measured in experiments testing crude oil at different dispersant to oil ratios with the addition of bacterial cultures of Psuedodemonas putida and Rhodococcus qingshengii TUHH-12 over a period of 36 days.
Data Parameters and Units:
There are three files in this dataset; one contains data from experiment conditions 1 through 18, one contains data from experiment conditions 19 through 23, and other file (n-alkane std.xlsx) contains information about the standard concentrations used in calibration. The following is a list of parameters for the dataset file containing conditions 1 through 18: Conditions (1B,S – 18B,S: a more detailed description of each condition can be found in the Data Guide Chart sheet included in this dataset), Sacrifice number (1-10), Duplicates (1, 2), Date (MMDDYYY hh:mm), degradation rate constants (day-1) measured in Total TPH (mg/L), TPH fractions [Peak Area (mV*min)], Individual n-alkanes C11-C40 [Peak Area (mV*min)], benzene [Peak Area (mV*min)], toluene [Peak Area (mV*min)], ethylbenzene [Peak Area (mV*min)], O-M xylene [Peak Area (mV*min)], naphthalene [Peak Area (mV*min)], O2 (%), CO2 (%); Note: Bacterial Taxa conditions 1B to 18B is Rhodococcus qingshengii TUHH-12. The following is a list of parameters for the dataset file containing conditions 19 through 23: Condition No. (19B – 23B), Condition Description [Oil Type, Dispersant to Oil Ratio (DOR), Bacteria (Ps. putida F1, Ps. putida F1 and Rh.TUHH-12), Static Type (Shaken, Static), Msc. (researcher), Elapsed Time (d), O2 consumption (mmol/bottle), Date (Msc., DDMMYYY), Condition Name [Condition No., Sacrifice Number (1-5), Duplicate(1,2)], Benzene [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)], Toluene [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)], Ethylbenzene [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)], O-M Xylene [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)], P Xylene [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)], C11-C40 [Retention Time (min), Peak Area (mm2), Peak Height (mm)]; The following is a list of parameters for dataset file n-alkane std.xlsx: Standard ID (Standard A – Standard E), Std. Con. (mg/L), Σ Area [Sum of individual n-alkane peak areas (ΣC)], Individual n-alkanes C11-C40 [Peak Area (mV*min)]; Note: Standard spike volume was 1μL. Additional information about data parameters: The term Static refers to when replicates where standing still during the experimental period and the term Shaken refers to when replicates where located on a shaker during the experimental period to study the possible effect of a dynamic/wave condition on oil biodegradation.
Rhodococcus qingshengii TUHH-12 (DSMZ No. 46766), was used as inoculum in our experiments. The culture was isolated at the Technical University of Hamburg from a seawater sample collected in Spitzbergen, Norway, with an optimal growth temperature of 28C. This culture was maintained in mineral medium with n-hexadecane as the sole carbon source. The medium consisted of 2.6g Na2HPO4, 1.33g KH2PO4, 1g (NH4)2SO4 and 0.20g MgSO4·7 H2O dissolved in 1000mL of demineralized water. The medium was adjusted to pH 7. After sterilization, 5mL of trace element solution and 1mL of vitamin solution were added. The bacterial culture was incubated for three days, and four days prior to the experiments, the culture was transferred into artificial seawater amended with medium salts and n-hexadecane as the carbon source. This resulted in an active culture in its optimal growth phase, as controlled by measuring the Optical Density (OD) with a spectrophotometer (DR3900, Hach Lange) at a wavelength of 600 nm. An OD of 0.98 was taken as a culture in its optimal growth phase. 1 mL of the inoculant was added to each replicate. Pseudomonas putida F1 (Ps. putida F1) was purchased as a freeze dried culture from the German collection of microorganisms and cell cultures (DSMZ, No. 6899). After activation, Ps. putida F1 was transferred to the DSMZ medium No. 457 and supplemented with toluene as a sole carbon source. Four days prior to the experiments, the culture was transferred into seawater amended with medium salts and toluene. This resulted in an active culture in its optimal growth phase, as controlled by measuring the OD. An OD of 0.305 was taken as a culture in its optimal growth phase. 1 mL of the inoculant was added to each replicate. Biodegradation in small batch tests with varying initial conditions.