Large eddy simulations (LESs) of Hurricane Isaac using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model forced by the sea surface temperature (SST) from Unified Wave INterface - Coupled Model (UWIN-CM)that includes the storm-induced SST cooling and by the SST from NCEP FNL analysis without the storm-induced SST cooling. The data includes meteorological variables and hydrometeor mixing ratio at the horizontal resolution of 74 m from 23:00 UTC, 08-27-2012 to 12:00 UTC, 08-28-2012.
Data Parameters and Units:
3D wind components (m/s), potential temperature (K), water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg), pressure (hPa), hydrometeor mixing ratio (kg/kg), latitude (degree N), longitude (degree E), depth of soil layers (m), variance of subgrid-scale orography (m^2), laplacian of orography (m), perturbation geopotential (m^2/s^2), base-state geopotential (m^2/s^-2), perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0) (K), SCM ideal surface sensible heat flux (W/m^2), SCM ideal surface latent heat flux (W/m^2), SCM ideal surface skin temperature (W/m^2), SCM ideal surface latent heat flux tendency (W/m^2 s), SCM ideal surface latent heat flux tendency (W/m^2 s), SCM ideal surface skin temperature tendency (W/m^2 s), SCM ideal surface skin temperature tendency (W/m^2 s), perturbation dry air mass in column (Pa), base state dry air mass in column (Pa), QV at 2 M (kg/kg), temperature at 2 m (K), potential temperature at 2 m (K), mixing ratio (kg/kg), surface aerosol number concentration emission (/kg s), ice number concentration (/kg), snow number concentration (kg), rain number concentration (/kg), graupel number concentration (/kg), soil temperature (K), soil moisture (m^3/m^3), soil liquid water (m^3/m^3), surface runoff (mm), underground runoff (mm), ground heat flux (W/m^2), accumulated ground heat flux (J/m^2), accumulated melted snow (kg/m^2), snow water equivalent (kg/m^2), physical snow depth (m), canopy water (kg/m^2), skin sea surface temperature (K), cos of solar zenith angle, leaf area index (m^2/m^2), accumulated precipitation (mm), radar reflectivity (lamda = 10 cm) (dBZ), wave flux (W/m^2), humidity (%)