This data was collected during the CARTHE :Surfzone-Coastal Oil Pathways Experiment (SCOPE) conducted in December 2013 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The experiment focused on the exchanges between Destin Inlet and the nearby shelf waters. This dataset was collected from instruments deployed on the front of the University of Miami's RV Calliope (also known as the Surface Physics Experimental Catamaran (SPEC)). SPEC was a 25’ Glacier Bay catamaran which was configured with a bow mounted 2-m high meteorological mast equipped with a complete flux package. The vessel was also equipped with a hydrographic sensor package. It enabled relatively undistorted measurements of air-sea fluxes when moving into the wind along with the underlying water currents and bathymetry. The vessel sampled during short duration trips from its dock in Destin, FL over the period from December 3 to December 17. This vessel was also used for deploying and recovering various other sensors, such as Lagrangian drifters and a turbulence microstructure profiler.
Suggested Citation:
Brian Haus. 2016. CARTHE - Surface-Coastal Oil Pathways Experiment (SCOPE): Meteorological data collected from the Surface Physics Experimental Catamaran (SPEC), December 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7P55KGJ
Data Parameters and Units:
Data is given in raw volts. To convert to the appropriate SI parameters:% U, V, W - multiply by 12, subtract 30 to get Gill sonic wind speed in m/s, % C - multiply by 16, add 290 to get speed of sound in air in m/s, % UDM - multiply by 0.226 to get water surface elevation in m, % CO2 - multiply by 1.6, add 14 to get CO2 concentration in mmol/m^3, % H2O - multiply by 300, add 500 to get H20 concentration in mmol/m^3, % RH - multiply by 100, subtract 40 to get relative humidity in percent, % T - multiply 100 to get temperature in degrees celsius, % PITCH, ROLL, YAW - multiply by 40 to get rotation rates in deg/s, % SURGE, SWAY, HEAVE - divide by 7.5 to get accelerations in g (~9.81 m/s), P - observed air pressure, not adjusted, Turbid (low) and Turbid (high) - turbidity range from high to low reported as Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), A secondary sensor was used for a portion of the experiment, its location relative to the other wind sensor: X = -2.01 m, Y = 1.07 m, Z = 4.99+1(freeboard) = 5.99 m