Nautilus NA028: ROV Cruise report - Sample records of corals, mussels and sediments collected around Macondo, Gulf of Mexico - June 21 - July 5, 2013
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG)
Charles Fisher
Pennsylvania State University / Department of Biology
Corals, Oil Spill, Deep Sea, DeepWater Horizon
This was a 16 day cruise to support the research of the ECOGIG consortium, funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. The research goals of the consortium are to investigate the ecosystem effects of natural oil and gas seepage to the Gulf of Mexico. The goals of the cruise were to visit benthic communities, primarily deep water corals, in the vicinity of the Macondo well, the location of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Specific tasks included detailed repeat imagery of known locations on the seafloor, collections of live corals for experiments carried out on board the ship, acquisition of sediment push cores, marker deployments, and exploration of unknown areas of the sites. Portions of the cruise were conducted alongside the R/V Endeavor and logistics and sampling were closely coordinated between the vessels. Between leaving Gulfport, MS on June 21st and arriving again on July 5th, we were able to make 14 dives with the ROVs Hercules and Argus. The dives ranged from 4 to 20 hours each, and went to depths between 400 and 2600 meters. On the cruise, we surveyed deep-sea coral sites that were impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, re-imaging corals that we have been monitoring since the spill. We collected live coral from the seafloor, keeping them alive on board and completing a series of oil- and dispersant-exposure experiments during the cruise (R1.x132.136:0005). We also collected a series of samples of the water just above corals and natural gas seeps, and a series of sediment samples from the same environments. We conducted most of the water and sediment sampling in close coordination with the R/V Endeavor, guiding their sampling to target the same locations that we discovered with the ROVs. In addition to these successes, perhaps the greatest impact of the cruise was in the Education and Outreach achieved through the telepresence capability of the ship. All of the dives were broadcast live over the Nautilus Live and Exploration Now web sites. We reached over 8,000 people and had over 22,000 web site hits during our cruise. In addition, the three educators on board reached thousands of other people through live interactive shows with various museums and aquaria including the Mystic Aquarium, the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach CA, the Exploratorium in San Francisco, the Houston Natural History Museum, and the Titanic Museum in Belfast, Ireland.
Suggested Citation:
Charles Fisher. 2016. Nautilus NA028: ROV Cruise report - Sample records of corals, mussels and sediments collected around Macondo, Gulf of Mexico - June 21 - July 5, 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7D21VJQ
The goals of the cruise were to visit benthic communities, primarily deep water corals, in the vicinity of the Macondo well, the location of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Data Parameters and Units:
Data is images taken of corals in their native environment on the sea floor. FILENAME ; COLONY NAME (child folder name) ; CORAL SPECIES Location (parent folder name): AT357 IMG_0153.JPG ; M12-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0160.JPG ; M12-11 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0160.JPG ; M12-12 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0162.JPG ; M12-13 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0162.JPG ; M12-14 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0162.JPG ; M12-15 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0163.JPG ; M12-16 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0142.JPG ; M12-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0139.JPG ; M12-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0139.JPG ; M12-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0145.JPG ; M12-5 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0145.JPG ; M12-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0145.JPG ; M12-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0145.JPG ; M12-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0153.JPG ; M12-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0075.JPG ; M13-1 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0096.JPG ; M13-10 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0096.JPG ; M13-11 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0115.JPG ; M13-12 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0119.JPG ; M13-13 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0121.JPG ; M13-14 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0124.JPG ; M13-15 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0128.JPG ; M13-16 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0128.JPG ; M13-17 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0128.JPG ; M13-18 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0115.JPG ; M13-19 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0079.JPG ; M13-2 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0119.JPG ; M13-20 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0084.JPG ; M13-3 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0086.JPG ; M13-3 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0093.JPG ; M13-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0078.JPG ; M13-9 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0075.JPG ; M15-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0095.JPG ; M15-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0075.JPG ; M15-11 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0075.JPG ; M15-12 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0075.JPG ; M15-13 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0075.JPG ; M15-14 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0076.JPG ; M15-15 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0094.JPG ; M15-19 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0076.JPG ; M15-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0086.JPG ; M15-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0094.JPG ; M15-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0095.JPG ; M15-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0104.JPG ; M16-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0106.JPG ; M16-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0104.JPG ; M16-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0106.JPG ; M16-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-11 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-12 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-13 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-14 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B4 IMG_0100.JPG ; M16-4 ; Zoanthids covering Paramuricea sp. IMG_0100.JPG ; M16-5 ; Zoanthids covering Paramuricea sp. IMG_0099.JPG ; M16-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0104.JPG ; M16-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0106.JPG ; M16-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0104.JPG ; M16-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0106.JPG ; M16-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0104.JPG ; M16-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0106.JPG ; M16-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0005.JPG ; M17-1 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0012.JPG ; M17-2 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0012.JPG ; M17-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0012.JPG ; M17-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0014.JPG ; M17-5 ; Madrepora sp. IMG_0008.JPG ; M17-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0032.JPG ; M17-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0022.JPG ; M17-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0024.JPG ; M17-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0001.JPG ; M19-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0011.JPG ; M19-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0023.JPG ; M19-11 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0024.JPG ; M19-12 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0007.JPG ; M19-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0005.JPG ; M19-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0005.JPG ; M19-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0012.JPG ; M19-5 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0015.JPG ; M19-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0018.JPG ; M19-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0010.JPG ; M19-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0018.JPG ; M19-9 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0027.JPG ; M20-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0028.JPG ; M20-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0029.JPG ; M20-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0071.JPG ; M20-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0030.JPG ; M20-12 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0036.JPG ; M20-13 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0036.JPG ; M20-14 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0036.JPG ; M20-15 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0038.JPG ; M20-16 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0059.JPG ; M20-17 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0059.JPG ; M20-18 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0059.JPG ; M20-19 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0036.JPG ; M20-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0038.JPG ; M20-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0049.JPG ; M20-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0059.JPG ; M20-5 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0063.JPG ; M20-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0065.JPG ; M20-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0065.JPG ; M20-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0067.JPG ; M20-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0044.JPG ; T3-1 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0072.JPG ; T3-10 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0069.JPG ; T3-11 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0047.JPG ; T3-12 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0064.JPG ; T3-13 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0047.JPG ; T3-2 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0051.JPG ; T3-3 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0064.JPG ; T3-4 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0061.JPG ; T3-5 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0062.JPG ; T3-6 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0064.JPG ; T3-7 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0067.JPG ; T3-8 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0067.JPG ; T3-9 ; Paramuricea sp. Location: DC673 IMG_0002.JPG ; M40-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0001.JPG ; M40-2 ; Bathypathes sp. IMG_0004.JPG ; M40-3 ; Stichopathes sp. IMG_0003.JPG ; M40-4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0005.JPG ; M40-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0006.JPG ; M40-6 ; Unknown IMG_0008.JPG ; M40-7 ; Unknown IMG_0014.JPG ; M40-8 ; Unknown IMG_0053.JPG ; M41-1 ; Iridigorgia IMG_0062.JPG ; M41-10 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera IMG_0062.JPG ; M41-11 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0063.JPG ; M41-12 ; Unknown IMG_0064.JPG ; M41-13 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0068.JPG ; M41-14 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0068.JPG ; M41-15 ; Unknown IMG_0068.JPG ; M41-16 ; Unknown 7IMG_0071.JPG ; M41-17 ; Unknown 7IMG_0072.JPG ; M41-18 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0002.JPG ; M41-19 ; Unknown 7IMG_0070.JPG ; M41-19 ; Unknown IMG_0055.JPG ; M41-2 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0003.JPG ; M41-20 ; Unknown 7IMG_0070.JPG ; M41-20 ; Unknown 7IMG_0002.JPG ; M41-21 ; Unknown 7IMG_0003.JPG ; M41-22 ; Unknown 7IMG_0003.JPG ; M41-23 ; Unknown 7IMG_0003.JPG ; M41-24 ; Unknown 7IMG_0004.JPG ; M41-25 ; Unknown 7IMG_0009.JPG ; M41-26 ; Unknown 7IMG_0011.JPG ; M41-27 ; Unknown 7IMG_0011.JPG ; M41-28 ; Unknown 7IMG_0012.JPG ; M41-29 ; Unknown IMG_0059.JPG ; M41-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya 7IMG_0013.JPG ; M41-30 ; Unknown 7IMG_0016.JPG ; M41-31 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0017.JPG ; M41-32 ; Paramuricea sp. 7IMG_0018.JPG ; M41-33 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0021.JPG ; M41-34 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0022.JPG ; M41-35 ; Anthomastus 7IMG_0024.JPG ; M41-36 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0002.JPG ; M41-37 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0024.JPG ; M41-38 ; Paramuricea sp. 7IMG_0026.JPG ; M41-39 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0059.JPG ; M41-4 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0027.JPG ; M41-40 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0027.JPG ; M41-41 ; Unknown 7IMG_0029.JPG ; M41-42 ; Keratoisidinae 7IMG_0029.JPG ; M41-43 ; Paramuricea sp. 7IMG_0030.JPG ; M41-44 ; Unknown 7IMG_0033.JPG ; M41-45 ; Iridigorgia IMG_0059.JPG ; M41-5 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0061.JPG ; M41-6 ; Unknown IMG_0061.JPG ; M41-7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0061.JPG ; M41-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0062.JPG ; M41-9 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera Location: MC118 IMG_0051.JPG ; M22-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0067.JPG ; M22-10 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0067.JPG ; M22-11 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0056.JPG ; M22-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0057.JPG ; M22-3 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0059.JPG ; M22-4 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0061.JPG ; M22-5 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0061.JPG ; M22-6 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0067.JPG ; M22-7 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0068.JPG ; M22-8 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0066.JPG ; M22-9 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0076.JPG ; M26-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0077.JPG ; M26-2 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0049.JPG ; M28-1 ; Paramuricea sp.* IMG_0049.JPG ; M28-2 ; Paramuricea sp.* IMG_0047.JPG ; M29-1 ; Paramuricea sp. B3 IMG_0044.JPG ; T1-1 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0044.JPG ; T1-2 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0044.JPG ; T1-3 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0042.JPG ; T1-4 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0042.JPG ; T1-5 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0044.JPG ; T1-6 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0009.JPG ; X-1 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0011.JPG ; X-2 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0013.JPG ; X-3 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0017.JPG ; X-4 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0022.JPG ; X-5 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0023.JPG ; X-6 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* IMG_0033.JPG ; X-7 ; Madrepora cf. prolifera* Location: MC294 IMG_0026.JPG ; A10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0021.JPG ; A13 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0026.JPG ; A14 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0014.JPG ; A15 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0018.JPG ; A17 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0014.JPG ; A2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0122.JPG ; A3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0010.JPG ; A4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0021.JPG ; A5 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0018.JPG ; A6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0117.JPG ; A8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0008.JPG ; A9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0009.JPG ; A9 ; Paragorgia regalis IMG_0113.JPG ; B1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0051.JPG ; B10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0062.JPG ; B12 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0109.JPG ; B2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0054.JPG ; B4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0044.JPG ; B7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0045.JPG ; B7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0047.JPG ; B7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0050.JPG ; B7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0069.JPG ; B8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0067.JPG ; B9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0108.JPG ; C1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0041.JPG ; C2 ; Paramuricea biscaya B2 IMG_0042.JPG ; C3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0041.JPG ; C4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0108.JPG ; C5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0040.JPG ; C6 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0107.JPG ; C7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0103.JPG ; C8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0009.JPG ; D1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0019.JPG ; D2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0017.JPG ; D3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0018.JPG ; D3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0033.JPG ; D5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0015.JPG ; D7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0015.JPG ; D8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0075.JPG ; E1 ; Plexauridae* IMG_0100.JPG ; E4 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0042.JPG ; F1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0056.JPG ; F10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0060.JPG ; F11 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0052.JPG ; F12 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0039.JPG ; F2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0064.JPG ; F3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0081.JPG ; F4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0031.JPG ; F5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0052.JPG ; F6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0094.JPG ; F7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0094.JPG ; F9 ; Paramuricea biscaya Location: MC297 IMG_0229.JPG ; M2-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0220.JPG ; M2-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0233.JPG ; M2-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0239.JPG ; M2-4 ; Paramuricea biscaya B1 IMG_0224.JPG ; M2-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0062.JPG ; M3-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0096.JPG ; M3-11 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0098.JPG ; M3-12 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0099.JPG ; M3-13 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0084.JPG ; M3-14 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0084.JPG ; M3-15 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0095.JPG ; M3-17 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0098.JPG ; M3-18 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0078.JPG ; M3-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0101.JPG ; M3-20 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0104.JPG ; M3-21 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0104.JPG ; M3-22 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0104.JPG ; M3-23 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0069.JPG ; M3-24 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0069.JPG ; M3-25 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0069.JPG ; M3-26 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0069.JPG ; M3-27 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0051.JPG ; M3-28 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0047.JPG ; M3-29 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0078.JPG ; M3-3 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0045.JPG ; M3-30 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0045.JPG ; M3-31 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0048.JPG ; M3-32 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0082.JPG ; M3-4 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0069.JPG ; M3-6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0065.JPG ; M3-7 ; Octocorallia IMG_0089.JPG ; M3-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0094.JPG ; M3-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0011.JPG ; M5-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0020.JPG ; M5-2 ; Bathypathes sp.* IMG_0016.JPG ; M5-3 ; Bathypathes sp.* IMG_0025.JPG ; M5-4 ; Bathypathes sp.* IMG_0022.JPG ; M5-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0242.JPG ; M6-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya B1 IMG_0249.JPG ; M6-2 ; Keratoisidinae I2 IMG_0251.JPG ; M6-2 ; Keratoisidinae I2 IMG_0252.JPG ; M6-2 ; Keratoisidinae I2 IMG_0254.JPG ; M6-2 ; Keratoisidinae I2 IMG_0255.JPG ; M6-3 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0002.JPG ; M6-4 ; Paramuricea sp. IMG_0003.JPG ; M6-5 ; Zoanthids IMG_0005.JPG ; M6-6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0007.JPG ; M6-7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0008.JPG ; M6-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0242.JPG ; M6-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya B2 IMG_0111.JPG ; MM1-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0130.JPG ; MM1-10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0133.JPG ; MM1-11 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0134.JPG ; MM1-12 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0125.JPG ; MM1-13 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0139.JPG ; MM1-14 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0208.JPG ; MM1-17 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0209.JPG ; MM1-18 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0209.JPG ; MM1-19 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0113.JPG ; MM1-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0210.JPG ; MM1-20 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0201.JPG ; MM1-21 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0201.JPG ; MM1-22 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0205.JPG ; MM1-23 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0198.JPG ; MM1-24 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0198.JPG ; MM1-25 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0199.JPG ; MM1-26 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0192.JPG ; MM1-27 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0199.JPG ; MM1-28 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0167.JPG ; MM1-29 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0114.JPG ; MM1-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0183.JPG ; MM1-30 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0183.JPG ; MM1-31 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0183.JPG ; MM1-32 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0181.JPG ; MM1-33 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0151.JPG ; MM1-36 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0151.JPG ; MM1-37 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0152.JPG ; MM1-38 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0147.JPG ; MM1-39 ; Bathypathes sp.* IMG_0108.JPG ; MM1-4 ; Isididae IMG_0117.JPG ; MM1-4 ; Isididae IMG_0160.JPG ; MM1-40 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0218.JPG ; MM1-41 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0218.JPG ; MM1-42 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0111.JPG ; MM1-43 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0111.JPG ; MM1-44 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0120.JPG ; MM1-7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0120.JPG ; MM1-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0128.JPG ; MM1-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya Location: MC344 IMG_0038.JPG ; 5-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0018.JPG ; 5-10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0018.JPG ; 5-11 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0023.JPG ; 5-12 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0023.JPG ; 5-13 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0017.JPG ; 5-14 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0017.JPG ; 5-15 ; Paramuricea sp IMG_0024.JPG ; 5-16 ; Unknown IMG_0039.JPG ; 5-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0038.JPG ; 5-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0036.JPG ; 5-4 ; Bathypathes IMG_0034.JPG ; 5-5 ; Bathypathes IMG_0027.JPG ; 5-6 ; Bathypathes IMG_0029.JPG ; 5-7 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0024.JPG ; 5-8 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0017.JPG ; 5-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0076.JPG ; M10-10 ; Unknown IMG_0067.JPG ; M10-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0072.JPG ; M10-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0074.JPG ; M10-4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0075.JPG ; M10-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0079.JPG ; M10-6 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0072.JPG ; M10-8 ; Unknown IMG_0075.JPG ; M10-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0006.JPG ; M32-1 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0006.JPG ; M32-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0007.JPG ; M32-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0011.JPG ; M32-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0012.JPG ; M32-6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0013.JPG ; M32-7 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0007.JPG ; M32-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0044.JPG ; M8-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya 8IMG_0055.JPG ; M8-10 ; Paramuricea biscaya 8IMG_0055.JPG ; M8-11 ; Paramuricea biscaya 8IMG_0057.JPG ; M8-12 ; Paramuricea biscaya 8IMG_0057.JPG ; M8-13 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0048.JPG ; M8-14 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0048.JPG ; M8-15 ; Clavularia rudis IMG_0046.JPG ; M8-16 ; Bathypathes sp. 8IMG_0058.JPG ; M8-17 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0043.JPG ; M8-2 ; Bathypathes sp. IMG_0044.JPG ; M8-3 ; Stichopathes sp. IMG_0045.JPG ; M8-4 ; Keratoisidinae IMG_0044.JPG ; M8-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0046.JPG ; M8-6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0047.JPG ; M8-7 ; Paramuricea biscaya 8IMG_0055.JPG ; M8-8 ; Unidentified 8IMG_0055.JPG ; M8-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0036.JPG ; M9-10 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0037.JPG ; M9-11 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0037.JPG ; M9-12 ; Octocorallia IMG_0041.JPG ; M9-13 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0048.JPG ; M9-14 ; Stichopathes sp. IMG_0050.JPG ; M9-15 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0039.JPG ; M9-16 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0040.JPG ; M9-17 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0040.JPG ; M9-18 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0003.JPG ; M9-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0003.JPG ; M9-24 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0005.JPG ; M9-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0004.JPG ; M9-4 ; Paramuricea skeleton? IMG_0004.JPG ; M9-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0011.JPG ; M9-6 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0003.JPG ; M9-7 ; Octocorallia IMG_0014.JPG ; M9-8 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0019.JPG ; M9-9 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0056.JPG ; MM2-1 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0057.JPG ; MM2-2 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0057.JPG ; MM2-3 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0061.JPG ; MM2-4 ; Paramuricea biscaya IMG_0058.JPG ; MM2-5 ; Paramuricea biscaya