This dataset has heterotrophic microbial metabolic rates (enzyme activities, leucine incorporation, bacterial abundance) as well as porewater and sedimentary geochemical parameters at sites proximate to and distant from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead. Six sediment cores were collected from late November to early December 2010.
Suggested Citation:
Kai Ziervogel. 2016. Microbial activities and geochemical parameters in sediments affected by the DWH oil fallout, November 29 - December 02, 2010. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N72V2D5M
Data Parameters and Units:
Porewater geochem.xlsx:
Description; Site; Rates/porosity depth range; Overlying water (water overlying the sediment core); Rates mid z; Porosity (%); Dissolved Methane (CH4, mM); Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC, mM); d13C-DIC (per mil); Hydrogen (H2, nM); Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC, uM); Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN, uM); Nitrate + nitrite (NOx, uM); Dissolved Phosphate (PO4, uM); Total Dissolved Phosphorus (TDp, uM); Ammonium (NH4, uM); Phosphorus (ugP/mg sed); Phosphorus (umol P/g sed); Phosphorus (P, %); Particulate Nitrogen (PN, %); Particulate Carbon (PC, %); Total Particulate Carbon (TPC, %); Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC, %); Ship recorded Ammonium (NH4, uM); Chloride (mM); Sulfate (SO4, mM); Sodium (Na, mM); Potassium (K, mM); Magnesium (Mg, mM); Calcium (Ca, mM); Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S, mM)
Bacterial cells.xlsx:
Core #; Depth in sediment (cm); Numbers refer to the replicate in each sediment layer (1, 2, 3); Filter area (um2); Area of pic (um2); Filter area / Area of pic (M); Volume of sample (mL); Bacterial cells (count of bacterial cells from 1 mL sediment slurry filtered onto 2 um filters; 20 fields of view were counted, cells mL-1 wet sed); Dilution (samples were diluted with artificial seawater); Bacterial abundance (N, cells mL-1 wet sed); Average; Standard deviation
Enzyme activity.xlsx:
Tube; G (glucosidase); P (phosphatase); B (lipase); L (peptidase); numbers (indicate layer # and replicate # (e.g. 1-1 means layer 1, replicate 1)); C (control sample); t0 (initial timepoint of incubation, i.e. shortly after the addition of the substrate); t1 (time when incubation was stopped); fl (fluorescence reading); fl + 7% (fluorescence reading corrected for sorbtion of the fluorophore onto sediment particles); delta fl ((t1 fl + 7%) - t0 fl); time (hr); ASW added (artifical seawater added, mL); delta fl corrected for ASW dilution (delta fl x ASW added); delta fl per hour; delta fl per hour - control; enzyme activity (nmol mL-1 wet sed-1 hr-1)
Leu incorporation.xlsx:
activity of full leucine addition (dissintegrations per minute = dpm); concentration of leu (hot+cold) in sample (nmol/L); dilution factor; amount of leucine added (mmol); hydrolytic enzyme activities and leucine incorporation (mol/mL/hr); core #; depth in sediment (cm); Replicate; Incubation time (hr); Leucine incorporation (% incorporation); Leucine incorporation rate (mol C L-1 wet sed hr-1); Leucine incorporation rate (ug C cm-3 hr-1); Average; Standard deviation
Raw Data (Directly transferred from handwritten data sheet, Include acetanilide, proline, CLB, standards, boat blanks.); Stds (Elemental and isotopic data for standards only); CN (Elemental data for samples); MS (Isotopic data for samples); Tabl (Tabulation of all sample data); Date (MM-DD-YY); Teflon tray #; Vial #; Sample ID; Weight (wt, mg); N area; C area; Vol N; Vol C; del C; del C; N (mg); C (mg); Total Nitrogen (TN, %); Total Organic Carbon (TOC, %); Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N); corr del 15N; corr del 13C
Core # Sampling Date Latitude (degrees N) Longitude (degrees W) Water Depth (m)
19 11/30/2010 28.72 88.36 1593
21 12/01/2010 28.73 88.40 1542
17 11/29/2010 28.70 88.36 1630
18 11/30/2010 28.68 88.31 1468
22 12/02/2010 28.66 88.35 1683
20 12/01/2010 28.50 88.32 1899