Data Parameters and Units:
.PRO files: time - elapsed time [s], pres - pressure [decibars], echo [N/A], temp - temperature [degrees Celsius], theta - potential temperature [degrees Celsius], sal - salinity [percentage], sigmawater - water density (calculated from depth, temp, and salinity - [kg/m^3]), angle - net angle [degrees], flow [m/s], hzvel - horizontal velocity [m/s], vtvel - vertical velocity [m/s], vol - volume filtered [m^3], net [N/A], fluor [N/A], ptran [N/A], oxygen [N/A], Irradcurrent [N/A], Irradiance [N/A] , lat [N/A], lon [N/A]. Zero values indicate variable not measured. Data are organized into folders named by trawl number.
Trawl summary data file: TrawlNo - trawl ID, TrawlNo_NetNo - trawl and net #, Cruise_Name_No - cruise name and number, Gear - type of gear, StationID - station ID, SolarCycle - solar cycle [day/night], NetNo - net number, SampleID - sample ID, SampleDateStart - sample date (CDT, [DDMMMYY]), StartLat - starting lat [dd], StartLon - starting lon [dd], EndLat - ending lat [dd.dddd], EndLon - ending lon [dd.dddd], TowStartTime_CDT - start time [HH:MM], TowEndTime_CDT - end time [HH:MM], ElapsedTime - trawl duration [HH:MM], MOC10FileName - unique file name, MinSampleDepth - min. depth [m], MaxSampleDepth - max depth [m], DepthCode - depth code, DepthBin - depth bin, MaxWaterColumnDepth - max water depth [m], DepthUnits - depth units, Volume_cubic_meters - volume of water [cubic m], Quant_or_Meat - trawl purpose, NetMeshSize - net mesh size, NetMeshSizeUnits - net mesh size units, SampPres - type of sample preservation, Comments
.RAW files: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Conductivity Probe #, Temperature Probe #, Pressure Probe #
.TAB files: Yearday/Time, HH:MM:SS, min depth [pmin, meters], max depth [pmax, meters], average depth [pavg], min temperature [tmin, deg C], max temperature [tmax, deg C], average temperature [tavg, deg C], density [thmin, no units], density [thmax, no units], density [thavg, no units], salinity [smin, per mille], sigma [smax, per mille], sigma [savg, per mille], sigma [simin, no units], sigma [simax, no units], sigma [siavg, no units] beam attenuation [cmin, meters], beam attenuation [cmax, meters], beam attenuation [cavg, meters], fluorescence [fmin, volts], fluorescence [fmax, volts], fluorescence [favg, volts], oxygen [oxmin, ml/l], oxygen [oxmax, ml/l], oxygen [oxavg, ml/l], irradiance [irrmin, volts], irradiance, [irrmax, volts], irradiance [irravg, volts], angle [amin, degrees], angle [amax, degrees], angle [average, degrees], speed [min, knots], speed [max, knots], speed [average, knots], ascent/descent rate [min, meters/minute], ascent/descent rate [max, meters/minute], ascent/descent rate [average, meters/minute] , # observed, volume [m^3]
Note: References to depth are actually measured pressure [dbar].