This dataset contains sampling information of the early stages of oysters collected at eight different sites in the Mississippi Sound from 2018-06-07 to 2018-09-18. It includes the type of samples (plankton, settlement, tray), date, site, station, location (latitude and longitude), number (of tows, samplers, plates, trays) deployed, and the status of the sample (deployed, retrieved or lost). The dataset also includes spat settlement sample physical data (surface and bottom temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and percent oxygen saturation).
Suggested Citation:
Rakocinski, Chet. 2020. Sampling information of early stages of oysters and spat settlement plate physical data collected at eight different sites in Mississippi Sound from 2018-06-07 to 2018-09-18. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/8KDYW8A9
Data Parameters and Units:
The Excel file "MBRACE Early Oyster Sampling Locations 2018" includes - Sample Type (plankton, settlement, tray); Date (DD-Mon-YY); Site (eight study sites; L1, L2, L3, C1, C2, C3, RS1, RS2); Station; Number of tows, samplers, plates, trays deployed; Latitude and Longitude (decimal degrees); Sampling status (deployed, retrieved, lost, retrieved/redeployed, lost/redeployed). Correction note: The latitude coordinate in the Excel spreadsheet in Cell I-6 should be 30.*2*8741, instead of 30.38741.
The Excel file "MBRACE Spat Sample Physical Data 2018" includes - Site (Eight study sites; L1, L2, L3, C1, C2, C3, RS1, RS2); Date (July, August, and September 2018; DD-Mon-YY); Latitude and Longitude (decimal degrees); Surface Temperature (degree C); Bottom Temperature (degree C); Surface Salinity (ppt); Bottom Salinity (ppt); Surface Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l); Bottom Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l); Surface Percent Oxygen Saturation (%); Bottom Percent Oxygen Saturation (%); Depth (meter); Secchi Depth (meter).
The Excel file "MBRACESpat2018" includes spat settlement sample data and all the data parameters and units are defined in detail in the Read Me file "OysterSpat2018_MBRACE_GRIIDC_ReadMe".
Provenance and Historical References:
This dataset was initially published on 2020-02-18 and was revised again on 2021-03-01 to add the spat settlement sample data. The dataset now includes both the originally submitted (labeled 'Published') data as well as the revised version (labeled 'updated') in the separate folder with the respective date of publication and revision.