Dataset includes collection of water quality information along seven oyster reefs (stations) in the Mississippi Sound from 2022-05-12 to 2022-10-27. At each of the seven stations, near-surface water was collected and analyzed in the lab for total suspended matter (TSM), particulate organic matter (POM) and particulate inorganic matter (PIM).
Suggested Citation:
Wissing, Thomas P., X. Zhang, E. Powell, J. Klein, K. Lange, and M. Devhakumar. 2023. Water and food quality data collected on oyster reefs in the Mississippi Sound 2022-05-12 to 2022-10-27. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/3H0DQKZQ
Data Parameters and Units:
Lipid (Lipid mg/L); protein (Protein mg/L); carbo (Carbohydrate mg/L); tsm (Total Suspended Material mg/L); pom (Particulate organic material mg/L); pim (Particulate inorganic material mg/L); station; date; Longitude; Latitude.
BB-Between Bridges; BL-Bay St. Louis; HP-Henderson Point; PC-Pass Christian; PM-Pass Marriane; SJ-St. Joe; T-Telegraph
Water samples were filtered through a 53 um sieve to remove larger particles.
Using a negative pressure vacuum (< 120 psi), the sample water was then filtered through 47 um pre-combusted/pre-weighed Whatman glass fiber filters (GF/F) that have roughly 70% retention efficiency and 90% clogging volume (determined for each sample by passing water through a test filter until clogging occurred).
Further sample processing was done according to Powell et al. (2012), while biochemical molecular analyses were done according to Kreeger et al. (1997) and performed by the Kreeger Laboratory.
Provenance and Historical References:
Kreeger, D., Goulden, C., Kilham, S, Lynn, S., Datta, S. and Interlandi, S. (1997). Seasonal changes in the biochemistry of lake seston. Freshwater Biology, 38: 539-554. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2427.1997.00233.x
Powell, E. N., Kreeger, D. A., Morson, J. M., Haidvogel, D. B., Wang, Z., Thomas, R., & Gius, J. E. (2012). Oyster food supply in Delaware Bay: Estimation from a hydrodynamic model and interaction with the oyster population. Journal of Marine Research, 70 (2-3), 469-503. https://doi.org/10.1357/002224012802851904