Data Parameters and Units:
Tab Name Sciaenid_Counts: includes species level identification and counts per pull for fishes in the family sciaenidae
Date, Month, Year, Bay (MB- Matagorda Bay), Location (Collection location 1-9), Site_#(site number from the original labelling system devised by Stunz Lab. NOT THE SAME AS LOCATION),
Hab_Type (Seagrass (SG) or Marsh Edge (ME)), Pull_#, Label (Specific sample label, BAY_Habitat_Site_Pull. Example MB_SG_1_1 was collected in Matagorda bay in seagrass site 1, and was the first benthic sled pull), Leiostomus xanthurus (Number of Spot caught in that pull), Bairdiella chrysoura (Number of Silver Perch caught in that pull), Cynoscion nebulosus (Number of Spotted seatrout caught in that pull), Sciaenops ocellatus (Number of Red drum caught in that pull), Micropogonias undulatus (Number of Atlantic Croaker caught in that pull), Menticirrhus americanus (Number of whiting caught in that pull), Total (Total number of sciaenids collected), Density (total density of scieanids)
Tab Name Sciaenid_Lengths includes the length (in mm) of every sciaenid caught
Date, Month, Year, Bay (MB- Matagorda Bay), Location (Collection location 1-9), Site_#(site number from the original labelling system devised by Stunz Lab. NOT THE SAME AS LOCATION), Hab_Type (Seagrass [SG] or Marsh Edge [ME]), Pull_#, Label (Specific sample label, BAY_Habitat_Site_Pull. Example MB_SG_1_1 was collected in Matagorda bay in seagrass site 1, and was the first benthic sled pull), Species (Species name of fish being measured), TL (total length of fish (mm)), SL (standard length of fish (mm))
Tab Name Fish_w_environmental_data: includes environmental data (same as above) and the raw counts of each fish family
Date, Bay (MB- Matagorda Bay), Location (Collection location 1-9), Site_# (site number from the original labelling system devised by Stunz Lab. NOT THE SAME AS LOCATION), Hab_Type (Seagrass (SG) or Marsh Edge (ME)), Pull_#, Label (Specific sample label, BAY_Habitat_Site_Pull. Example MB_SG_1_1 was collected in Matagorda bay in seagrass site 1, and was the first benthic sled pull), Gobiidae (Number of gobies collected in that pull). All columns from Gobidae to "unknown" represent the number of a given family in that pull (Sparidae, Gerreidae, Fundulidae, Sygnathidae , Cyprinodontidae, Cynoglossidae, Atherinopsidae, Mugilidae, Sciaenidae, Paralichthyidae, Triglidae, Archiridae, Ophichthidae, Haemulidae, Tetraodontidae, Batrachoididae, Gobisocidae, Carangidae, Poeciliidae, Lutjanidae, Scorpaenidae, Ophidiidae, Elotridae, Elopidae, Blenniidae, Unknown), Total_Site (total number of fish collected in a site), Density (density of fishes in a site (number of fish divided by the area of a pull (10m^2)), Start_Lat (latitude where the pull began), Start_Long (longitude where the pull began), End_Lat (latitude where the pull ended), End_Long (longitude where the pull ended), start_time (start time (24hr time) for the site (not each pull but when a site was started) pull in a single site were conducted within about 2-5 minutes of each other), Water_temp (water temperature in degrees C), DO (Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)), Salinity (Salinity, in Parts per thousand), Turbidity (turbidity in NTU), light_mins (minutes since sunrise), tide_m (tide height in minutes)
Tab Name Environmental_w_diversity: includes in-situ environmental data and diversity metrics calculated from the recruitment surveys
Date (date sample was collected (M/D/YYYY)), Month (collection month (used for categorical comparisons)), Year (Year of collection (2020 or 2021)), Location (Collection location 1-9), Hab_Type (Seagrass (SG) or Marsh Edge (ME)), Label (Specific sample label, BAY_Habitat_Site_Pull. Example MB_SG_1_1 was collected in Matagorda bay in seagrass site 1, and was the first benthic sled pull), pull, Start_Lat (latitude where the pull began), Start_Long (longitude where the pull began), End_Lat (latitude where the pull ended), End_Long (longitude where the pull ended), start_time (start time (24hr time) for the site (not each pull but when a site was started) pull in a single site were conducted within about 2-5 minutes of each other), Water_temp (water temperature in degrees C), DO (Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)), Salinity (Salinity, in Parts per thousand), Turbidity (turbidity in NTU), light_mins (minutes since sunrise), tide_m (tide height in minutes), dist_pass (distance to the ship channel), Total_Site (total number of fish collected in a site), Density (density of fishes in a site (number of fish divided by the area of a pull (10m^2)), eveness (Pileou's evenness), shan.div (Shannon-Weiner Diversity), fam.num (Taxonomic richness (Tf) number of families)