Location data and oceanographic models were used to characterize the oceanographic conditions encountered by oceanic stage turtles, along with identifying their fine-scale habitat selection, dispersal and migration routes. To assess the role of swimming behavior on turtles’ movement, we estimated surface current velocity and sea surface temperature along the tracks of turtles with output from the Gulf of Mexico HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model. We used Ichthyop particle-tracking software to release virtual particles along turtle and drifter paths to calculate the difference in the particle velocity and turtle velocity between successive points.
Suggested Citation:
Katherine Mansfield, Nathan Putman. 2018. Examination of swimming velocities and habitat preferences of sea turtles using tracks and Lagrangian particles using HYCOM and Ichthyop from August 13, 2011 to August 20, 2014. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N79W0CWC
Data Parameters and Units:
tag id, species of turtle or drifter [Ei=_Eretmochelys imbricata_, Lk=_Lepidochelys kempii_, Cc=_Caretta caretta_, Cm=_Chelonia mydas_, d=drifter], start date [Date_1, MM/DD/YY hh:mm, UTC], next date, [Date_2, MM/DD/YY hh:mm, UTC], start longitude [T_Lon1, decimal degrees], start latitude [T_Lat1, decimal degrees], next longitude [T_Lon2, decimal degrees], next latitude [T_Lat2, decimal degrees], tracks speed [T_MpS, m/s], track direction [T_theta, 0/360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 =West], virtual particle speed [T_MpS, m/s], virtual particle direction [P_theta, 0/360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 =West], calculated swimming speed [Ss_MpS, m/s], calculated swimming direction [Ss_theta, 0/360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 =West], difference between track speed and particle speed [T-P_SpeedDiff, m/s], modeled Sea Surface Temperature (SST) along particle track [P_SST, degrees C], seconds between start location and next location [Step_Sec, s]. Empty cells occur when one or more of the simulated "particles" are tracked outside the HYCOM model domain. In those cases the virtual particle speed and direction cannot be modeled, and the turtle/drifter swimming speed and direction cannot be calculated. Dates without a time mean that the time occurs at approximately midnight. Full satellite tracks of turtles and drifter provided in datasets FL.x708.000:0002 and FL.x708.000:0004.