A Slocum Glider was deployed in the eastern Gulf of Mexico off Tampa Bay in July and August 2016. As the glider traversed the transit path, it collected measurements at various depths from ~2 m to near the seafloor or up to 200 m. While the glider was deployed at sea, it surfaced and communicated to an onshore control station at predetermined intervals. A decimated selection of vehicle and science measurement was transmitted during the surface transmissions, and the relevant data became available through a University of South Florida (USF) web site. After the glider’s recovery at the end of the deployment, the complete measurement suite was downloaded from the vehicle, then was processed and made available through the USF site including a national data archive. The measurements in this data set included acoustic tag telemetry detections of tagged red grouper and red snapper, as well as location fixes for the glider. Other datasets for this deployment included environmental water quality parameters, passive acoustic recordings, and echosounder water column data. The glider was deployed on 2016-07-29 at the 30 m isobath. It traversed for a week to the northwest before turning around and returning along a similar route to the southeast. It was recovered on 2016-08-12, near the deployment site. The intent was for the glider to follow the progression of the Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline, collecting water quality and acoustic datasets. This dataset contains the tag telemetry receptions for a cohort of tagged red groupers and red snappers, as well as a fixed sound source.
Other related datasets include additional results from this glider, M66, and gliders M69, M70, and M72.
Glider M66: water quality variables (FL.x707.000:0001, https://doi.org/10.7266/N72N50PF) and echosounder backscatter intensity (FL.x707.000:0003, https://doi.org/10.7266/n7-9yq5-w169).
Glider M69: water quality variables (FL.x707.000:0004, https://doi.org/10.7266/n7-n30g-bw27); acoustic tag telemetry receiver detections (FL.x707.000:0005, https://doi.org/10.7266/n7-406m-ak69); echosounder backscatter (FL.x707.000:0007, https://doi.org/10.7266/n7-4skm-bj34), and passive acoustic recordings (FL.x707.000:0006, https://doi.org/10.7266/n7-5y6c-sj73).
Glider M70: water quality variables (FL.x707.000:0010, https://doi.org/10.7266/g51f95wz), and tag telemetry (FL.x707.000:0008, https://doi.org/10.7266/p2ymsrp4).
Glider M72: water quality variables (FL.x707.000:0011, https://doi.org/10.7266/ehj8evgw) and tag telemetry (FL.x707.000:0009, https://doi.org/10.7266/9va17amx).
Suggested Citation:
Lembke, Chad, David Mann, Susan Lowerre-Barbieri, Chris Taylor, and Steven Murawski. 2025. Eastern Gulf of Mexico glider deployment M66 (2016-07-29 – 2016-08-12) – tag telemetry receptions. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-ccc2-s109
The project goal was the evaluation of gliders as a platform for water quality variable collection and various acoustic technologies, including passive acoustic monitoring, wildlife tag tracking, and echosounder measurements.
Data Parameters and Units:
M66_TT_GPS-F contains the telemetry reception data: Date/Time (Eastern Standard Time, [YYYYMMDDHHMMSS]), latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees], depth [m], tag ID [XXXXX].
FLRACEP Fish Tag Data contains the date and location of the 61 fish tagged for the experiment. Species [ARS = American Red Snapper, RG = Red Grouper], release latitude [DD], release latitude [MM.MMM], release latitude [decimal degrees], release longitude [DD}, release longitude [MM.MMM], release longitude [decimal degrees], TL [total length, mm], SL [straight length, mm], Sonic # [tag ID, XXXXX], Station #.
M66 GPS Conversion contains location fixes for the glider in a variety of formats, as well as notes on creating the formats from the raw data.
1. Raw: Date/time [Unix/Epoch format], latitude [DDMM.SSSS], longitude [-DDMM.SSSS].
2. Input: Date/time [Unix/Epoch format], latitude [degrees], latitude [minutes and seconds converted to decimal], longitude [degrees], longitude [minutes and seconds converted to decimal].
3. Output: Date/time [YYYYYMMDD, HHMMSS], latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees]
4. For GIS: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time (UTC, [HH:MM:SS AM/PM]), date/time string [YYYYMMDDHHMMSS], latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees]
5. For VMT: Date/Time (Eastern Standard Time, DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS]), latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees]
6. For Access: Date/time (UTC, MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]), latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees]
Provenance and Historical References:
Lembke, Chad; Lowerre-Barbieri, Susan; Mann, David; Taylor, J. Christopher (2018). Using three acoustic technologies on underwater gliders to survey fish. Marine Technology Society Journal 52(6), 39-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.52.6.1