Data Parameters and Units:
“FLRACEP_Cruise_April2017_TDR” folder contains 52 *.csv files (one per station, station information can be found in FLRACEP_Cruise_Summary_April2017_for_GRIIDC.xlsx). Each file contains pressure and temperature data readings at a 10s sampling rate at the location/depth of longline deployment. The headings for these files are recording number (Rec #), date of deployment (MM/DD/YY), time (hh:mm:ss), pressure (dBars), temperature (IntTemp [deg. C]). The filename includes the station (e.g., RA-17-001) and set name (e.g., WFSE1). RA stands for Restore Act. All the times in the dataset are EST. The file “FLRACEP_Sample_data_April2017_for_GRIIDC.xlsx” contains two tabs Event_Metadata and Sample_data. “Event_metadata” describes the metadata collected at each site, which includes: ID_DataSheet, Vessel, Event_Data (DD-Mon-YY), Set (Station), Deep-C Station (or Set), Latitude_Start (decimal degrees N), Latitude_Finish (decimal degrees N), Longitude_Start (decimal degrees W), Longitude_Finish (decimal degrees W), DO meter (Dissolved Oxygen meter presence [TRUE] or absence [false]), DO value (ug/l), DO value (%), TDR (Temperature depth recorder), Temp (deg. C), Depth_min (m), Depth_max (m), Actual Depth (m), Time_in (HHMM), Time_set (HHMM), Time_haul (HHMM), Time_out (HHMM), Gear_Effort (longline), Gear_Effort (trap), Longline/Trap/Both, Bait, Wind speed (knots), SeaState (feet), Set Comments, Original datasheet “Sample_data” describes the catch during each set, includes descriptions and measurements for each specimen sampled, which includes: ID_sample, ID_Data_sheet, ID_Data_sample (Station), ID_Species, Sex (male/female), Body Weight (kg), Liver weight (g), Core Temp (deg. C), Standard length (SL [cm]), Disc width (DW [cm]), Fork Length (FL [cm]), Total length (TL [cm]), Mat (Y/N) (Mature? Yes or no), Maturity State (MAT/JUV/NEO/Pup/YOY) (MAT: Mature, JUV: Juvenile, NEO: Neonate, YOY: Young of the year), Tag #, Hook/Trap Size, Condition (If released), Stable Isotope sample collected (SI; # of samples), Genetics samples (GN; # of samples), White muscle sample (WM; # of samples), Blood (BD; # of vials), Bile (BI; Y if collected), Stomach (ST (Y if kept, or E if empty), Rectal gland (RG; Y if collected), Age and Growth Structures (AG [S/R/O/V/unrecorded]; S = spines, R = fin rays, O = otoliths, V = vertebrae, unrecorded = we didn’t collect anything), Gill (Y if collected), Heart (Y if collected), Liver (FSU) (# of samples; how many liver samples were collected for Florida State research, L=1, LL=2 LLL=3), Other (Any other tissues collected, HD: Head, RG: Rectal gland), SP (Y/N) (SP: Specimen– used when we collected a whole specimen but it wasn’t a voucher), Vouchered specimen (VOU; Y if collected), Clasper outer edge length (CO; mm), Clasper inner edge length (CI; mm), Testes length (mm), Testes width (mm), Oviducal gland width (OG; mm), Maximum ova diameter (MOD; mm), Uterine width (UW; mm), reproduction stage, pores (#), Ova/oocyte notes, Vas deferens (VD notes), Other repro notes, Specimen comments The file “FLRACEP_Cruise_Summary_April2017_for_GRIIDC.xlsx” provides a summary of abiotic data from each station during the cruise, the total number of each species caught during the entire cruise, and the original cruise plan and actual cruise plan. The headings for the Report Metadata tab are: Set, Station, Plan Depth (m), Plan Latitude (dec. deg.), Plan Longitude (dec. deg.), Gear (LL=long line), RA specimen numbers , Samples (#), Latitude (dec. deg. N; actual), Longitude (dec. deg. W; actual), Date (DD-Mon-YY; actual), Time in (hh:mm), Time Haul (hh:mm), TDR-Soak_Time (TDR: Temperature depth recorder, hh:mm), TDR time out (hh:mm), D/N (If the set and haul occurred during D:Day or N:Night), Depth TDR, Temp TDR. At the bottom of this spreadsheet there are total which represent the total number of elasmobranch species sampled, teleost species, hagfish species, and invertebrate species sampled, as well as the total number of fish that were sampled. The headings for SpeciesSummReport are: Family, Species, Code, # caught The headings for CruisePlan Report are: Position, Station, Latitude (dec. deg.), Longitude (dec. deg.), Cumulative Distance (NM), Leg Distance (NM), Est. Cruise Time (Hrs), Date (DD-Mon), Actual Arrival (hhmm), Actual Departure (hhmm), Activity (Transit, set, haul)