Survey data for producing distribution maps for the ecosystem model OSMOSE-WFS
Funded By:
Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Improving the use of products derived from monitoring data in ecosystem models of the Gulf of Mexico
Arnaud Gruss
University of Washington
Fisheries-independent surveys, Fisheries-dependent programs, OSMOSE-WFS
This dataset contains all of the survey data that are used to fit statistical habitat models whose predictions are employed to produce distribution maps for the ecosystem model OSMOSE-WFS. These survey data include processed fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent data collected all over the Gulf of Mexico using a random sampling scheme between 2000 and 2016. Fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent data were requested to different institutes in 2016. The present dataset provides encounter/non-encounter data for specific functional groups/species/life stages, as well as the geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) of the sites at which these encounter/non-encounter data were collected, and the year during which these data were collected. Given that some of the fisheries-dependent data included in the present dataset are confidential, the identity of the surveys (i.e., their name) is not revealed here; instead, numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3) are provided to indicate that the data for the functional group/species/life stage under consideration come from different surveys.
Suggested Citation:
Gruss, Arnaud. 2018. Survey data for producing distribution maps for the ecosystem model OSMOSE-WFS. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N737773N
This dataset contains all of the survey data that are used to fit statistical habitat models whose predictions are employed to produce distribution maps for the ecosystem model OSMOSE-WFS.
Data Parameters and Units:
The present database contains a total of 28 files. Each of these 28 files provides: (i) the longitudes (°E) where sampling was conducted; (ii) the latitudes (°N) where sampling was conducted; (iii) the years during which was conducted; (iv) the “gears” used to conduct sampling (integer factors, where each "gear" represents a specific fisheries-dependent or fisheries-independent survey); and (v) encounter/non-encounter estimates (1 if the functional group/species/life stage under consideration was encountered and 0 otherwise). Here are the details of the 28 files of the present database: (1) "Adult_coastal_omnivores_FallWinter.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of coastal omnivores in fall-winter (0/1). (2) "Adult_coastal_omnivores_SpringSummer.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of coastal omnivores in spring-summer (0/1). (3) "Adult_gag_grouper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of gag grouper (0/1). (4) "Adult_red_grouper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of red grouper (0/1). (5) "Adult_red_snapper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of red snapper (0/1). (6) "Adult_shrimps_FallWinter.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of shrimps in fall-winter (0/1). (7) "Adult_shrimps_SpringSummer.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of adults of shrimps in spring-summer (0/1). (8) "Amberjacks.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of amberjacks (0/1). (9) "Anchovies_and_silversides_SummerFall.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of anchovies and silversides in summer-fall (0/1). (10) "Anchovies_and_silversides_WinterSpring.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of anchovies and silversides in winter-spring (0/1). (11) "Bivalves.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of bivalves (0/1). (12) "Echinoderms_and_large_gastropods.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of echinoderms and large gastropods (0/1). (13) "Juvenile_coastal_omnivores_FallWinter.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of juveniles of coastal omnivores in fall-winter (0/1). (14) "Juvenile_coastal_omnivores_SpringSummer.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of juveniles of coastal omnivores in spring-summer (0/1). (15) "Juvenile_shrimps.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of juveniles of shrimps (0/1). (16) "King_mackerel.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of king mackerel (0/1). (17) "Large_crabs.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of large crabs (0/1). (18) "Older_juvenile_gag_grouper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of older juveniles of gag grouper (0/1). (19) "Older_juvenile_red_grouper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of older juveniles of red grouper (0/1). (20) "Older_juvenile_red_snapper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of older juveniles of red snapper (0/1). (21) "Reef_carnivores.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of reef carnivores (0/1). (22) "Reef_omnivores.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of reef omnivores (0/1). (23) "Sardine_herring_scad_complex_FallWinter.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of the sardine-herring-scad complex in fall-winter (0/1). (24) "Sardine_herring_scad_complex_SpringSummer.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of the sardine-herring-scad complex in spring-summer (0/1). (25) "Small_mobile_epifauna.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of small mobile epifauna (0/1). (26) "Younger_juvenile_gag.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of younger juvenile gag grouper (0/1). (27) "Younger_juvenile_red_grouper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of younger juvenile red grouper (0/1). (28) "Younger_juvenile_red_snapper.csv": Longitude (°E); Latitude (°N); Year; Gear (integer factor); Encounter/non-encounter of younger juvenile red snapper (0/1).
Thirty-seven different survey datasets provided data for the 28 files provided here; an alias was assigned to each of these 37 survey datasets: (1) Alabama Marine Resources Division (AMRD) Fisheries Assessment and Monitoring Program (FAMP) Gillnet Survey (Alias: ALGILL). (2) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Bottom Longline Survey (Alias: BLL). (3) Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) Survey (Alias: DEEPEND). (4) Northern GOM Continental Slope Habitats and Benthic Ecology Study (DGoMB) Survey (Alias: DGOMB). (5) NMFS Expanded Annual Stock Assessment (EASA) Survey - Longline (Alias: EASALL). (6) NMFS EASA Survey - Vertical Line (Alias: EASAVL). (7) Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) Bay Seine Survey (Alias: FLBAY). (8) FWRI Haul Seine Survey (Alias: FLHAUL). (9) FWRI For-Hire At-Sea Observer Program (Alias: FLOBS). (10) FWRI Purse Seine Survey (Alias: FLPURSE). (11) FWRI Reef Fish Trap Survey (Alias: FLTRAP). (12) FWRI Trawl Survey (Alias: FLTRAWL). (13) FWRI Reef Fish Video Survey (Alias: FLVIDEO). (14) Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Information Network (GulfFIN) Head Boat Port Sampling Program (Alias: GULFFINPORT). (15) NMFS Gulf of Mexico Shark Pupping and Nursery (GULFSPAN) Survey (Alias: GULFSPAN). (16) Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) Gulf of Mexico Inshore Bottom Longline Survey (Alias: INBLL). (17) Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Vertical Line Survey (Alias: LAVL). (18) Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) Sport Fish Shark Gillnet Survey (Alias: MSGILL). (19) MDMR Sport Fish Shark Handline Survey (Alias: MSHAND). (20) MDMR Fisheries Assessment and Monitoring (FAM) Trawl Survey (Alias: MSTRAWL). (21) NMFS Southeast Gillnet Observer Program (Alias: OBSGILL). (22) Reef Fish Bottom Longline Observer Program (Alias: OBSLL). (23) Southeastern Shrimp Fisheries Observer Coverage Program (Alias: OBSSHRIMP). (24) Reef Fish Vertical Line Observer Program (Alias: OBSVL). (25) NMFS Panama City Trap Survey (Alias: PCTRAP). (26) NMFS Panama City Video Survey (Alias: PCVIDEO). (27) NMFS Pelagic Observer Program (Alias: POP). (28) Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) Fish Survey Project (Alias: REEF). (29) NMFS Shark Bottom Longline Observer Program (Alias: SBLOP). (30) NMFS Small Pelagics Survey (Alias: SMALLPEL). (31) SEAMAP Groundfish/Trawl Survey (Alias: TRAWL). (32) Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Bottom Longline Survey (Alias: TXBLL). (33) TPWD Gillnet Survey (Alias: TXGILL). (34) TPWD Seine Survey (Alias: TXSEINE). (35) TPWD Trawl Survey (Alias: TXTRAWL). (36) SEAMAP Reef Fish Video Survey (Alias: VIDEO). (37) SEAMAP Gulf of Mexico Vertical Longline Survey (Alias: VL). Here are the details of the survey data (survey datasets and years) used to generate the 28 files included in the present database: (1) "Adult_coastal_omnivores_FallWinter.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAP, FLTRAWL, OBSVL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (2) "Adult_coastal_omnivores_SpringSummer.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAP, FLTRAWL, OBSVL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (3) "Adult_gag_grouper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLOBS, OBSLL, OBSVL, SBLOP. Years: 2006-2016. (4) "Adult_red_grouper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): BLL, EASALL, FLOBS, FLTRAP, OBSLL, OBSVL, PCTRAP, PCVIDEO, SBLOP, TRAWL, VIDEO. Years: 2000-2016. (5) "Adult_red_snapper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): BLL, EASALL, EASAVL, FLOBS, FLTRAP, INBLL, LAVL, OBSLL, OBSSHRIMP, OBSVL, PCTRAP, PCVIDEO, SBLOP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, VIDEO, VL. Years: 2000-2016. (6) "Adult_shrimps_FallWinter.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): MSTRAWL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (7) "Adult_shrimps_SpringSummer.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): MSTRAWL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (8) "Amberjacks.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLOBS, FLVIDEO, LAVL, OBSLL, OBSVL, PCVIDEO, REEF, SBLOP, TRAWL, VIDEO, VL. Years: 2000-2016. (9) "Anchovies_and_silversides_SummerFall.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLTRAWL, FLVIDEO, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, TRAWL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (10) "Anchovies_and_silversides_WinterSpring.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLHAUL, FLTRAWL, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, TRAWL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (11) "Bivalves.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (12) "Echinoderms_and_large_gastropods.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLTRAWL, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (13) "Juvenile_coastal_omnivores_FallWinter.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (14) "Juvenile_coastal_omnivores_SpringSummer.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (15) "Juvenile_shrimps.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, MSTRAWL, TRAWL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (16) "King_mackerel.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLOBS, OBSLL, OBSVL, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2016. (17) "Large_crabs.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (18) "Older_juvenile_gag_grouper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLHAUL, FLTRAWL, OBSVL, PCTRAP. Years: 2000-2015. (19) "Older_juvenile_red_grouper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLHAUL, FLOBS, FLTRAP, OBSLL, OBSVL, PCTRAP, SBLOP, TRAWL. Years: 2004, 2006-2016. (20) "Older_juvenile_red_snapper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): EASAVL, FLOBS, LAVL, OBSSHRIMP, OBSVL, PCTRAP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, VL. Years: 2000-2016. (21) "Reef_carnivores.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): EASAVL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLOBS, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, FLVIDEO, OBSLL, OBSSHRIMP, OBSVL, PCTRAP, PVVIDEO, REEF, SBLOP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXTRAWL, VIDEO. Years: 2000-2016. (22) "Reef_omnivores.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLOBS, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, FLVIDEO, OBSSHRIMP, PCVIDEO, REEF, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXSEINE, VIDEO. Years: 2000-2016. (23) "Sardine_herring_scad_complex_FallWinter.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, GULFSPAN, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (24) "Sardine_herring_scad_complex_SpringSummer.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): ALGILL, FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLPURSE, FLTRAWL, FLVIDEO, GULFSPAN, MSTRAWL, OBSSHRIMP, PCVIDEO, REEF, TRAWL, TXGILL, TXSEINE, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (25) "Small_mobile_epifauna.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXTRAWL. Years: 2001-2004, 2006-2015. (26) "Younger_juvenile_gag.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLBAY, FLHAUL, FLTRAWL. Years: 2000-2015. (27) "Younger_juvenile_red_grouper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): FLHAUL, FLTRAWL, TRAWL. Years: 2007-2015. (28) "Younger_juvenile_red_snapper.csv": Survey datasets (aliases): OBSSHRIMP, SMALLPEL, TRAWL, TXTRAWL. Years: 2000-2016.