Observational data characterizing environmental baseline conditions along Texas shorelines, baseline occurrence of oil, and baseline wildlife strandings from July 5, 2010 to September 17, 2010
Funded By:
Research Group:
BP Gulf Science Data
BP Gulf Science Data
baseline, biota, intertidal, shallow subtidal, oil, oiling, wildlife stranding, vegetation, sargassum, tar balls, shoreline, beach, endangered species
This report contains Texas baseline survey data, and provides additional context for the posted dataset, including information about the collection, analysis, and organization of the data. Characteristics of this dataset include the following: • The dataset includes observational and chemistry data that characterizes environmental baseline conditions along Texas shorelines at various locations extending from approximately the Louisiana/Texas state line to the U.S./Mexico border. • This dataset includes data collected cooperatively with the Trustees. • Before posting, extensive work was done independently by BP contractors to verify some aspects of the posted information (e.g., positional coordinates and field data). The focus of this data posting is observational data collected during the Texas baseline survey. Observations were made at 22 survey locations distributed along the Texas coast in the areas of Sabine Lake, Galveston Bay, Matagorda Bay, Corpus Christi, and Lower Laguna Madre under the Work Plan titled Texas Baseline Survey and Sampling Plan. This work was conducted as part of NRDA studies agreed to and executed cooperatively by the State of Texas Trustee Council, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and BP. The following types of data are included: observation date, location, baseline occurrences of relevant biota in intertidal or shallow subtidal habitat, baseline occurrence of oil, and baseline wildlife stranding. Because shoreline locations are broken into multiple areas depending upon site specific conditions, data collection methods varied across locations. In addition to the cross-location variation noted above, sampling variations may exist across observers, methods, locations, and times.
Suggested Citation:
BP Gulf Science Data. 2016. Observational data characterizing environmental baseline conditions along Texas shorelines, baseline occurrence of oil, and baseline wildlife strandings from July 5, 2010 to September 17, 2010. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7M61HPM
The purpose of this dataset is to provide information on the baseline conditions of the Texas coastline and biota as part of a Natural Resource Damage Assessment. These data were collected by BP to help guide cleanup operations under the direction of the U.S. Coast Guard and to support the Natural Resource Damage Assessment efforts by federal and state agencies and BP to evaluate potential injury to natural resources in the Gulf. The data and supplemental information are being made available to the public in a format that will facilitate the use of the data for research and other studies. GRIIDC is making these data available following the shutdown of the Gulf Science Data Portal. This will ensure that the data are available and searchable through GRIIDC data discovery.
Data Parameters and Units:
Data Publication Date = Date associated with the current data posting (M/D/YYYY).; Data Publication Reference = A general description of data provided in the data posting and a version control number.; Study Reference Number = Number assigned by BP to provide a link between the data provided in the data file and the associated work plans and study descriptions provided at gulfsciencedata.bp.com.; Study Name = The abbreviated name of the study used in the database.; Location = Alpha or numeric identifier assigned to the sample transect location.; Location Description = A description of the transect location using common language. (ISP = Galveston Island State Park, PINS = Padre Island National Seashore, NR = south end of South Padre Island); Sample Date = Date observations were made (M/D/YYYY); Tide Stage Code = Stage of tide at time of data collection:; Vessel Team = The unique team ID.; Latitude = Latitude of center point where transect was established (decimal degrees).; Longitude = Longitude of center point where transect was established (decimal degrees); Presence of Oil on Water = Whether or not oil was observed on water.; Was Oil Observed on Shoreline? = Whether or not oil was observed on the shoreline at the time of data collection.; Area Surveyed Length (km) = The length of the survey area in kilometers. (Note: The only value entered in kilometers on the datasheet is apparently in error; it is likely that the units should have been entered as meters.); Area Surveyed Length (m) = The length of the survey area in meters. Area lengths and widths were not consistently reported on the datasheets, but the work plan indicates that surveys were to be repeated at the same sites.; Area Surveyed Width (km) = The width of the survey area in kilometers. (Note: The only value entered in kilometers on the datasheet is apparently in error; it is likely that the units should have been entered as meters.); Area Surveyed Width (m) = The width of the area of survey in meters. Area lengths and widths were not consistently reported on the datasheets but the work plan indicates that surveys were to be repeated at the same sites.; Primary Shoreline Type = Dominant substrate at sampling location.; Secondary Shoreline Type A = Additional information on the shoreline type in the sampling location.; Secondary Shoreline Type B = Additional information on the shoreline type in the sampling location.; Was Oil Observed on Vegetation? = Whether or not oil was observed on vegetation at the time of data collection.; Primary Vegetation Species = The dominant vegetation species observed at the sampling location.; Habitat Zone = A code representing the shoreline type within the sampling transect. Each habitat zone code represents a different habitat or an area of the same habitat with a recordable difference in oiling as determined by the field team. Field teams utilized different codes to represent the transition but the codes themselves do not represent a single unique habitat or oiling observation area. The habitat zone code “NR” represents not recorded on field datasheet.; Shoreline Type Zone = The dominant substrate per delineated zone; Tidal Zone = All tidal zones applicable to data recorded for the specified habitat zone; Oil Cover Length (m) = Length of oil coverage, if observed; Oil Cover Width (m) = Width of oil coverage, if observed; Shoreline Cover Percentage (%) = Percent cover by oil observed on the shoreline at the time of data collection; Shoreline Cover Percentage-Qualifier = Additional information on the observed shoreline oiling at the time of data collection. (TR: less than 1% of the substrate is covered by oil.); Shoreline Oil Thickness = The thickness of oil observed on the shoreline at the time of data collection. (Per standard SCAT terminology, Pooled: >1 centimeter (cm) thick, Cover: 0.1 cm to 1 cm thick, Coat: 0.01 cm to 0.1 cm thick, Stain: visible oil is less than 0.01 cm thick, Film: transparent or translucent film or sheen.); Sheen = Whether or not sheen was observed in the sampling location. (Field included for completeness, but no valid entries were made on the datasheet.); Shoreline Oil Condition = The character of the oil observed at the time of data collection.; Veg Habitat Zone = The dominant vegetation species by zone. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Oil Band Start = The lowest point on a plant where an observed oil band begins. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Oil Band End = The highest point on a plant where an observed oil band reaches. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Dominant Species = Observed dominant vegetation species within habitat zone with observed oil banding. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Vegetation Oil Cover Length = The length of oil cover on dominant vegetation by zone. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Vegetation Oil Cover Width = The width of oil cover on dominant vegetation by zone. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Vegetation Oil Thickness = The thickness of oil cover on dominant vegetation by zone. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Vegetation Oil Condition = The oil condition observed on the dominant vegetation species by zone. (Field included for completeness but no entries were made on the datasheet.); Tar Ball Assessment Length (m) = The length of shoreline assessed for tarball presence in meters.; Tar Ball Assessment Width (m) = The width of shoreline assessed for tarball presence in meters.; Tarball Assessment Start Latitude = Latitude where assessment for tarballs on shoreline commenced (decimal degrees); Tarball Assessment Start Longitude = Longitude where assessment for tarballs on shoreline commenced (decimal degrees); Tarball Assessment End Latitude = Latitude where assessment for tarballs on shoreline ended (decimal degrees); Tarball Assessment End Longitude = Longitude where assessment for tarballs on shoreline ended (decimal degrees); Observed Dead and Stranded Wildlife = Information on dead or stranded wildlife observed within the assessed transect at the time of data collection.; Observed Presence of Encrusted Organism = Whether or not an encrusted organism was observed within the assessed transect at the time of data collection.; Observed Presence of Threatened and Endangered Species = Whether or not threatened or endangered species was observed within the assessed transect at the time of data collection.; Wildlife Notes = Information on the wildlife observed within the sampling transect.; Shoreline and Vegetation Description = Additional information on the shoreline and vegetation conditions at the sampling location.; Additional Observation/Measurements = Additional information about the sampling location.; Field Data Verification Status = Summary of the data verification process status described in Appendix B. (Not started, Underway, Complete);