Bird capture, health, and telemetry data collected along Gulf of Mexico shorelines and Atlantic coast reference sites gathered from June 2010 through September 2013
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Research Group:
BP Gulf Science Data
BP Gulf Science Data
birds, telemetry, secretive marsh bird, migratory birds, colonial waterbirds, shorebirds, mortality, reference site, bird health observations
This report contains bird capture, health, and telemetry data, and provides additional context for the posted dataset, including information about the collection, analysis, and organization of the data. Characteristics of this dataset include the following: 1) This dataset focuses on bird capture, health, and telemetry data, which were collected under three studies as part of the NRDA process. 2) This dataset combines results from three NRDA studies conducted cooperatively with the Trustees. 3) Before posting, extensive work was done independently by BP contractors to verify some aspects of the posted data (e.g., positional coordinates and field data). The focus of this data posting is bird capture, health, and telemetry data initially collected along Gulf of Mexico shorelines and Atlantic coast reference sites. Data from over 900 birds were gathered from June 2010 through September 2013 and are included in this publication. These observations were collected during three studies conducted as part of the NRDA investigations agreed to and executed cooperatively by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), other Trustees, and BP. This dataset includes data associated with: a) Capture and health observations including date, location, species, behavior, condition, and telemetry identification information. b) Telemetry observations including date and location of relocations, and, for birds that died during the study, recovery information. Sampling variations may exist across observers, methods, locations, and times.
Suggested Citation:
BP Gulf Science Data. 2016. Bird capture, health, and telemetry data collected along Gulf of Mexico shorelines and Atlantic coast reference sites gathered from June 2010 through September 2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7HD7T34
The purpose of this dataset was to obtain capture and health observations including date, location, species, behavior, condition, and telemetry identification information for use in the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA). These data were collected by BP to help guide cleanup operations under the direction of the U.S. Coast Guard and to support the Natural Resource Damage Assessment efforts by federal and state agencies and BP to evaluate potential injury to natural resources in the Gulf. The data and supplemental information are being made available to the public in a format that will facilitate the use of the data for research and other studies. GRIIDC is making these data available following the shutdown of the Gulf Science Data Portal. This will ensure that the data are available and searchable through GRIIDC data discovery.
Data Parameters and Units:
Data Publication Date = Date associated with the current data posting (M/D/YYYY); Accuracy = Text description of the accuracy of the location estimate; Accuracy = The accuracy of the transmitters location as recorded by the satellite based on the number of satellites providing a GPS location; ACP Unit = The grid unit defined in the U.S. Coast Guard Area Contingency Plan where the bird was captured and released; Additional Oiled Feathers Quantity = The number of oiled feathers collected, excluding body feathers for PAH analysis; Additional Oiled Feathers Y/N = Indicates if oiled feathers were collected in addition to body feathers for PAH analysis; Age = Age class of the bird ; Age Class Description = Age of the bird; Bird Code = A unique code given to a bird for tracking purposes in the BP database; Bird Recovered = Indicates a carcass was collected during the study; Blood Feather Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude while samples are collected; Blood Feather Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing while samples are collected; Blood Feather Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health while samples are collected; Blood Health ID = Unique identifier for each blood health record; Blood Smear Slides Quantity = The number of blood smear slides collected; Blood Smear Slides Y/N = Indicates whether blood smear slides were collected; Blue (no Anti-coag) Quantity = The number of blood samples collected in vials with no anti-coagulant added. Tubes had a blue top; Body Feathers for PAH Quantity = The number of body feathers collected for PAH analysis; Body Feathers for PAH Y/N = Indicates if body feathers being collected for PAH analysis; Capture Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude at time of capture; Capture Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing at time of capture; Capture Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health at time of capture; Capture ID = Unique identifier for each capture record; Capture Latitude = The latitude for the capture/banding event, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); Capture Location = General bird capture location; Capture Longitude = The longitude for the capture/banding event, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); Capture Notes = Additional comments recorded on datasheet; Capture Time = Time of bird capture (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM); Capture Time Zone = The time zone in which a bird was captured; Capture Weight (g) = The weight of the bird in grams; Carcass Disposition = Indicates where carcass was sent upon recovery ; Cause of Death = Comments on the cause of death ; Color Band = The color bands placed on a bird for field identification; Common Name = Name of the species of bird being studied; Data Publication Date = Date associated with the current data posting (YYYY/MM/DD); Data Publication Reference = A general description of data provided in the data posting and the reference and version number; Date = Date the observation was made (M/D/YYYY); Date = The date a signal was sent from a transmitter to the satellite (M/D/YYYY); Distance from Observer = The distance between the bird and observers; EDTA Microvette Amount = Amount of sample collected (ml, ul); EDTA Microvette Quantity = Number of samples collected in microvette with EDTA (ml, ul); EDTA Microvette Size = Size of sample collected in microvette with EDTA ; End Latitude = Latitude where the telemetry tracking ended, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); End Longitude = Longitude where telemetry tracking ended, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); End Time = Time the telemetry tracking event ended (H:MM); Evidence Tag = Evidence tag number associated with carcass; Fate Note = Comments on the status of the bird when it was last tracked; Feathers Collected Y/N = Indicates if feathers were collected for analysis, possible non-NRDA studies ; Feathers for Isotopes Y/N = Indicates if feathers were collected for isotope analysis; Fecal Sample Amount = Amount of sample collected; Fecal Sample Quantity = Number of fecal samples collected; Fecal Sample Size = Size of the fecal sample collected; Field Data Verification Status = Summary of the data verification process status described in Appendix B. Valid entries - Not started, Underway, and Complete; Field Notes = Indicates the team made notes on the data form; Final Fate = Status of the bird at end of study; Fluorescence Assessment = Level of fluorescence on bird observed under UV light at time of capture; FWS Band = The number on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service band placed on the bird; each number is unique to a bird ; FWS Tag = USFWS evidence tag number associated with carcass; Genetics Blood Card Y/N = Indicates if genetic blood cards were collected; Genetics Filter Quantity = The number of genetic bloods cards collected; Green Vacutainers Amount = Amount of sample collected (ml,cc); Green Vacutainers Quantity/Tubes = Number of samples collected in green vacutainers; Green Vacutainers Size = Size of sample collected in green vacutainer (ml, cc); Heinz-Body Slides Quantity = The number of Heinz body blood slides collected; Heinz-Body Slides Y/N = Indicates if Heinz body blood slides were collected; Hematocrit Tubes Y/N = Indicates if blood was collected in hematocrit tubes; Heparinized HCT Tube Quantity = The number of heparinized HCT tubes collected; Is Site Impacted = Identifies capture area as being in the area of potential impact or in the potential reference area; Juncus Habitat Dominance = Capture location was a marsh dominated by Juncus; Last Tracking Date = The last day a transmittered bird provided a location (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM); Latitude = Latitude of the observer when the bird was observed, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); Latitude = The latitude of the transmitter when a signal was sent from a transmitter to the satellite, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84) ; Location = General bird capture location; Longitude = Longitude of the observer when the bird was observed, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); Longitude = The longitude of the transmitter when a signal was sent from a transmitter to the satellite, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84) ; Mode = Platform used by the observer to make observation; Morphometric Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude while being assessed; Morphometric Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing while being assessed; Morphometric Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health while being assessed; Morphometric Health ID = Unique identifier for each morphometric health record; Mortality Signal = Indicates if a mortality signal was received; NA Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude ; NA Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing ; NA Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health ; NA Health ID = Unique identifier for each NA health record; Notes = Comments made by the observer on the datasheet ; Notes Y/N = Indicates the team made notes on the data form; Observation ID = Unique code identifying each observation; Observation Notes = Comments from the tracking team; Observation Number = Observations were numbered and recoded on survey datasheets; Obsn ID = Unique code identifying each observation; Oiling = Level of oil observed on bird; Oiling Notes = Comments made by field team about oil and fluorescence at time of capture/examination ; Other HCT Tube Quantity = The number of HCT tubes collected that are not heparinized HCT tubes; Other Vacutainers Amount = Amount of sample collected (ml, cc, bag); Other Vacutainers Description = Description of sample collected in vacutainer identified as "other vacutainer" ; Other Vacutainers Quantity/Tubes = Number of samples collected in vacutainers not listed above; Other Vacutainers Size = Size of sample collected in vacutainer not listed above (ml, cc, bag); Phragmites Habitat Dominance = Capture location was a marsh dominated by Phragmites; Plasma Separated Y/N = Indicates if plasma was separated from the blood sample; Quality = A quality code that correlates with the Accuracy text; Record Type = Information on the record and transmission; Recovery Date = The date a carcass was collected (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM); Recovery Fluorescence Assessment = Level of fluorescence observed on a carcass under UV light at time of recovery; Recovery Location = The general carcass recovery location.; Recovery Notes = Additional comments recorded on datasheet; Recovery Site Oiling = Indicates if oil was present at carcass recovery location ; Recovery Time Zone = The time zone where a carcass was recovered; Recovery Visual Oiling Assessment = Level of oil observed on a carcass at time of recovery ; Red (Heparin) Quantity = The number of blood samples collected in vials with heparin added. Tubes had a red top; Red Vacutainers Amount = Amount of sample collected (ml, cc); Red Vacutainers Quantity/Tubes = Number of samples collected in red vacutainers; Red Vacutainers Size = Size of sample collected in red vacutainer (ml, cc); Release Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude at time of release; Release Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing at time of release; Release Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health at time of release; Release Health ID = Unique identifier for each release health ID; Release Status Notes = Health status and behavior of bird upon release; Release Time = Time bird was released (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS); Retrices (SESP) Quantity = The number of retrices collected, seaside sparrow only ; Sat Reference = Identifies the satellite that received the transmission; Satellite Tag = The unique number associated with the satellite transmitter that was affixed to a bird used to track a bird's location ; Scavenging Code = The amount of carcass scavenging; Scientific Name = Name of the Species of bird being studied; Secondaries Quantity = The number of secondary feathers collected; Secondary & Tail Coverts Y/N = Indicates if secondary and tail coverts were collected; Sex = The gender of the bird; Signal Alarm = Indicates whether signal is for a live/active bird (A) or a mortality signal (M); Site Characterization = Characterization of how birds use the capture area ; Site Oiled = Indicates oil was present in the area of the bird at time of observation ; Site Oiling = Indicates oil was present at the capture location ; Slide Collected Y/N = Indicates if additional blood slides were collected ; Spartina Habitat Dominance = Capture location was a marsh dominated by Spartina; Start Latitude = Latitude where the telemetry tracking started, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84); Start Longitude = Longitude where telemetry tracking started, reported in decimal degrees (WGS84) ; Start Time = Time the telemetry tracking event started (military time H:MM); State = The state searched during tracking ; Study Name = Title of the study in the database; Study Reference Number = Number assigned by BP to provide a link between the data provided in the data file and the associated work plans and study descriptions provided at; Survey Area = The general location searched during telemetry event ; Survey Date = Date of the telemetry tracking event (M/D/YYYY); Survey ID = Unique identifier for each survey event: area (GA or LA)_date (YYYY_MM_DD)_time (hhmm)_team (for LA only); Survey Unit = Survey area number-code; Tail Coverts Quantity = The number of tail coverts collected; Team = Survey team ID; Telemetry VHF Combined ID = Unique code identifying each observation; Time = Time a signal was sent from a transmitter to the satellite recorded as 24 hour time (military time H:MM); Time = Time the observation was made (military time H:MM); Transmitter Attitude = Comments on the bird’s attitude while transmitter is being affixed; Transmitter Breathing = Comments on the bird’s breathing while transmitter is being affixed; Transmitter Comments = Comments on the bird’s behavior and health while transmitter is being affixed; Transmitter Fail Date = Month and year a transmitter failed (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS); Transmitter Fate = The fate of the transmitter affixed to carcass (It may have been recovered and affixed to new bird.) ; Transmitter Health ID = Unique identifier for each transmitter health record; Transmitter Weight (g) = The weight of the transmitter affixed to a bird in grams; VHF Frequency = The frequency of the VHF transmitter if a VHF transmitter was affixed to a bird (no units provided); VHF Frequency = The frequency of the VHF transmitter if a VHF transmitter was affixed to a bird (no units provided); Visual = Indicates if a visual observation was made; Visual Oiling = Level of oil observed on bird at time of capture; Way Point = Name given to GPS waypoint of the observation; Weather = Weather conditions during telemetry tracking; Whole Blood Collected Y/N = Indicates if whole blood was collected;