Monitoring of the Personal Breathing Zone of Response workers for chemicals and oil mists from April 2010 to January 2012
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BP Gulf Science Data
BP Gulf Science Data
personal breathing zone, industrial hygiene monitoring, PPE, personal protective equipment, worker exposure
In support of DWH Response activities, industrial hygiene data were collected to monitor worker health. The industrial hygiene data included in this publication includes the results of personal breathing zone samples collected by BP and its contractors to assess an individual’s potential exposure to airborne chemicals during the response. BP worked closely with the Unified Area Command (UAC) to identify, evaluate, and prevent or reduce worker exposure to oil and response chemicals using administrative and/or engineering controls, as well as other methods. For certain response activities, appropriate types of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as Tyvek® suits and/or respirators, were worn to prevent exposure. In addition to implementing exposure controls, BP also implemented an extensive air monitoring program to evaluate worker exposure to oil and chemicals. The associated data files for this posting include samples collected from workers while conducting different types of response activities, including: • Offshore Vessels – Samples were collected on response workers and vessel crew that were involved with source removal activities such as containment and recovery, dispersant application, or in-situ burning of oil. • Nearshore Vessels – Samples were collected on response workers and vessel crew that were involved with activities such as boom handling, oil skimming, or scientific research. • Beach – Samples were collected on workers performing shoreline cleanup operations. • Decontamination – Samples were collected on workers involved with decontamination of equipment and vessels. Sampling of offshore response workers continued through September 2010, until the MC252 well was permanently plugged and sealed (i.e., September 19, 2010). Sampling of response workers in decontamination areas, nearshore and beach environments continued through February 2012. The personal breathing zone samples were collected for the purpose of evaluating worker exposure for the industrial hygiene program. The personal breathing zone samples were analyzed for the following parameters: • Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). Approximately 33,000 personal breathing zone samples and field blanks were analyzed for BTEX and the results were compared to occupational exposure limits. • Total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or total hydrocarbons (THCs). Approximately 32,700 personal breathing zone samples and field blanks were analyzed for total VOCs or THCs. • Cyclohexane, n-heptane, n-hexane, tetrahydrofuran, and trimethylbenzenes. Results are available for approximately 4,200 personal breathing zone samples and field blanks. • 2-Butoxyethanol. The data file contains 2- butoxyethanol results for 1,168 personal breathing zone samples and field blanks. • Gravimetric oil mist. Sampling for oil mist was generally conducted on workers involved with power washing of boom or vessels at onshore decontamination sites. Two types of oil mist samples were collected during decontamination activities; some samples were collected for analysis of oil mist as total particulates and some samples were collected for analysis of oil mist as thoracic particulates. A separate data file contains gravimetric oil mist results for 546 samples. • Limonene. The data file contains limonene results for 279 samples and field blanks. • Acetone and 2-butanone (also known as methyl ethyl ketone). These are VOC constituents of vinyl cements used for boom repair. The data file contains acetone results for 9 samples and 2-butanone results for 5 samples. • Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is a constituent of two dispersants (Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527) used during the response. The data file contains propylene glycol results for 14 samples and field blanks. • Over 32,000 personal breathing zone samples and field blanks were collected using passive dosimeters or OVMs. Approximately 546 samples were collected for gravimetric oil mist analysis by drawing air through a 2-micron Teflon® filter cartridge with a personal sampling pump. Approximately 50 samples were collected by drawing air through charcoal sorbent tubes with personal sampling pumps and then analyzed for BTEX, total hydrocarbons, and 2-butoxyethanol. Approximately 14 samples were collected for propylene glycol analysis using an OVS-7 tube.
Suggested Citation:
BP Gulf Science Data. 2016. Monitoring of the Personal Breathing Zone of Response workers for chemicals and oil mists from April 2010 to January 2012. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N71G0JQK
The personal breathing zone samples were collected for the purpose of evaluating worker exposure for the industrial hygiene program. These data were collected by BP to help guide cleanup operations under the direction of the U.S. Coast Guard and to support the Natural Resource Damage Assessment efforts by federal and state agencies and BP to evaluate potential injury to natural resources in the Gulf. The data and supplemental information are being made available to the public in a format that will facilitate the use of the data for research and other studies. GRIIDC is making these data available following the shutdown of the Gulf Science Data Portal. This will ensure that the data are available and searchable through GRIIDC data discovery.
Data Parameters and Units:
Analytical Chemistry for Personal Breathing Zone Samples: Data Source Retrieval Date = Date associated with when the data was retrieved from the database (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS); Data Release Version Date = Date associated with the current data posting date (MM/DD/YYYY); Data Release Description and Version Number = A general description of data provided in the data posting (i.e., Submerged Sediment Chemistry) and a version control number; Study Reference Number = Study reference number (SRN) assigned by BP to provide a link between the data provided in the data file and the associated work plans and study descriptions ; Study Name = The study name used by the original investigator or by NOAA. Related studies are also grouped together under a single harmonized group study name. This study name may be referenced by some documentation and other data systems; Location or Station ID = A name given to the location where samples were collected. Many samples were collected opportunistically in the field, targeting observed or suspected oil presence, and the locations were not assigned a name. Therefore, not all samples have a location ID; Location Detail = Sample Location corrected by correction code ; Location Class = Sample Location Class (Beach, Nearshore, Offshore) reported by field data ; Location Class Final = Sample Location Class corrected by correction code ; Latitude = The north latitude, in decimal degrees, where the sample was collected. This coordinate (with the corresponding longitude) may be either the specific location of the sample or the location assigned to the station where sampling was conducted; Longitude = The west longitude, in decimal degrees, where the sample was collected. See the description of the latitude column; Task = Sampling Activity reported by field data ; Job Task or Place = Sampling Activity corrected by correction code ; Personnel Title = Job Title of person sampled ; Additional Exposure Info = Additional Exposure Information ; Interpretive Sample ID = The identifier given to represent a unique combination of location, date (and time) and depth. This identifier is part of the primary key of this table; Analytical Sample ID = The client sample identifier given to a portion of the interpretive sample, or to the whole interpretive sample, when submitted to a laboratory for analysis. There may be one or several analytical sample IDs for each interpretive sample ID; Laboratory Sample ID = The internal laboratory sample identifier for the sample; Sample Date = The date on which the sample was collected (MM/DD/YYYY); Duration - Minutes = Total Sample Time based on field data (minutes) ; Gear Type Code = Database code that describes the type of Media used for sample collection ; Gear Type Name = Type of Media used for sample collection ; Sample Type = Indicates whether the sample is a natural environmental sample, a field QC sample (i.e., a blank), or a lab QC sample; Field Matrix = General description of the substance collected and submitted for analysis; Field Sample Material = Specific description of the substance collected and submitted for analysis; Chemical Name = The name of the chemical analyzed (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Total VOCs/HCs as n-alkane, Acetone, 2-Butoxyethanol, Cyclohexane, Heptane, Limonene, Methyl ethyl ketone, Propylene glycol, n-Hexane, Tetrahydrofuran, Total trimethylbenzenes); Chemical Code = A standardized system-specific code to uniquely identify each chemical. Chemical codes are one-to-one homologous with chemical names; Chemical Type = Indicates whether the chemical is a target analyte or an added standard (e.g., surrogate); Concentration - NDs set LOQ = The reported concentration of the chemical in the sample, or the level of quantitation for non-detect results; Unit = The units of the associated concentration value (mg/m^3, ppm, ug); Validation Qualifiers = Qualifiers applied by the data validation firm; Limit of Quantitation = The lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be determined with acceptable precision and accuracy ; Validation Level = The type and amount of data validation performed; Nondetect Flag = Indicates whether or not the analyte was detected in a sample. ‘Yes’ is equivalent to a qualifier that includes “U”; Calculated Concentration - NDs set LOD = Re-calculated concentration of the chemical in the sample, or the level of detection for non-detect results; Calculated Unit = The units of the associated concentration value (mg/m^3, ppm, ug); Calculated Qualifiers = Re-calculated qualifiers determined during concentration re-calculation; Calculated Limit of Detection = Recalculated Limit of Detection established from the lowest calibration standard utilized on the gas chromatograph ; Calculated Nondetect Flag = Indicates whether or not the re-calculated concentration was detected in a sample. ‘Yes’ is equivalent to a qualifier that includes “U”; Preparation Method = Method used to prepare the sample for analysis as reported by the laboratory; Analytical Method = Method used to produce the measured concentration as reported by the laboratory; Lab Replicate = Code to distinguish multiple measurements when all other identifying attributes are identical; Dilution Factor = The factor by which the sample was diluted for analysis; Date Analyzed = The date that the sample was analyzed to produce the reported concentration (MM/DD/YYYY); lab = The laboratory generating analytical chemistry data for the sample; Sample Comment = Information pertaining to the handling or shipment of the sample ; Analytical Chemistry for Oil Mist Samples: Data Source Retrieval Date = Date when the data was retrieved from the database (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS); Data Release Version Date = Current data posting date (MM/DD/YYYY); Data Release Description and Version Number = A general description of data provided in the data posting (i.e., Industrial Hygiene) and a version control number; Study Reference Number = Study reference number (SRN) assigned by BP to provide a link between the data provided in the data file and the associated work plans and study descriptions ; Study Name = The study name used by the original investigator or by NOAA. Related studies are also grouped together under a single harmonized group study name. This study name may be referenced by some documentation and other data systems; Location or Station ID = A name given to the location where samples were collected. Many samples were collected opportunistically in the field, targeting observed or suspected oil presence, and the locations were not assigned a name. Therefore, not all samples have a location ID; Job Task or Place = Sampling Activity corrected by correction code; Additional Exposure Info = Additional Exposure Information; Interpretive Sample ID = The identifier given to represent a unique combination of location, date (and time) and depth. This identifier is part of the primary key of this table; Analytical Sample ID = The client sample identifier given to a portion of the interpretive sample, or to the whole interpretive sample, when submitted to a laboratory for analysis. There may be one or several analytical sample IDs for each interpretive sample ID; Laboratory Sample ID = The identifier assigned by the laboratory; Sample Date = The date on which the sample was collected (MM/DD/YYYY); Pump Configuration = Indicates whether the pump was set up for sampling of total particulates (tp) or thoracic particulates using cyclone (cyclone) ; Pre-Calibration Flow Rate = Flow rate measured before sampling; Post-Calibration Flow Rate = Flow rate measured after sampling; Flow Rate Unit = Units for flow rate (L/min, mL/min); Pump Period = Sampling duration measured by pump timer; Sample Period = Sampling duration recorded by sampler; Period Unit = Units for pump duration (min); Pump ID = Identification of pump used for sampling; Dry Calibrator Serial No. = Identification of dry calibrator used for calibration of flow rate ; Sample Type = Indicates whether the sample is a natural environmental sample, a field QC sample (i.e., a blank), or a lab QC sample; Field Matrix = General description of the substance collected and submitted for analysis; Field Sample Material = Specific description of the substance collected and submitted for analysis; Chemical Name = The name of the chemical analyzed (Gravimetric Oil Mist); Chemical Code = A standardized system-specific code to uniquely identify each chemical. Chemical codes are one-to-one homologous with chemical names; Chemical Type = Indicates whether the chemical is a target analyte or an added standard (e.g., surrogate); Concentration = The reported concentration of the chemical in the sample; Unit = The units of the associated concentration value (mg/m^3); Qualifiers = The data qualifiers originally applied by the analytical laboratory; Validation Level = The type and amount of data validation performed; Nondetect Flag = Indicates whether or not the analyte was detected in a sample. ‘Yes’ is equivalent to a qualifier that includes “U”; Analytical Method = Method used to produce the measured concentration as reported by the laboratory; Date Analyzed = The date that the sample was analyzed to produce the reported concentration (MM/DD/YYYY); Lab = The laboratory generating analytical chemistry data for the sample; Sample Comment = Information pertaining to the handling or shipment of the sample; Method of Decontamination = Description of how the worker was decontaminating equipment; Cleaning Product = Type of Cleaning Product; Cleaning Product Other Description = Other type of Cleaning Product not listed; Surface Area Covered = Percent of Area Covered in Oil; Respirator Half = Worker Wearing Half Face Respirator (yes or no); Respirator Full = Worker Wearing Full Face Respirator (yes or no); Respirator SCBA = Worker Wearing Full Face Respirator (yes or no); Respirator Airline = Worker Wearing Airline Respirator (yes or no); Respirator Mask = Worker Wearing Dust Mask Respirator (yes or no); Respirator None = Worker Not Wearing Respirator (yes or no); Respirator Other Description = Other Type of Respirator Description; Cartridge p100 = Worker Wearing P100 Cartridge (yes or no); Cartridge ov = Worker Wearing OV Cartridge (yes or no); Cartridge Other = Worker using other type of respirator Cartridge (yes or no); Cartridge Other Description = Type of Cartridge Worker is using if Other selected; Hands Cotton = Worker Wearing Cotton Gloves (yes or no); Hands Leather = Worker Wearing Leather Gloves (yes or no); Hands Abrasion = Worker Wearing Abrasion Resistant Gloves (yes or no); Hands Nitrile = Worker Wearing Nitrile Type Gloves (yes or no); Hands Nitrile Type = Type of Nitrile Gloves worn; Hands PVC = Worker Wearing PVC-Type Gloves (yes or no); Hands PVC Type = Type of PVC-Type Gloves worn; Hands Other = Worker Wearing Other Type of Gloves (yes or no); Hands Other Description = Type of Other Gloves; Hands None = Worker Not Wearing Gloves (yes or no); Feet Steel = Worker Wearing Steel Toed Boots (yes or no); Feet Leather = Worker Wearing Leather Boots (yes or no); Feet Rubber = Worker Wearing Rubber Boots (yes or no); Feet Covers = Worker Wearing Boot Covers (yes or no); Feet None = Worker Wearing No Feet PPE (yes or no); Feet Other = Worker Wearing Other Type of Feet PPE (yes or no); Feet Other Description = Other Type of Feet PPE Description; Hearing Plugs = Worker Wearing Hearing Plugs (yes or no); Hearing Plugs Type = Type of Hearing Plugs; Hearing Muffs = Worker Wearing Hearing Muffs (yes or no); Hearing Muffs_type = Type of Hearing Muff; Validation Level = The type and amount of data validation performed.; Hearing Other = Worker Wearing Other Type of Hearing PPE (yes or no); Hearing Other Description = Type of Other Hearing PPE; Eyes Glasses = Worker Wearing Eye Glasses (yes or no); Eyes Goggles = Worker Wearing Eye Goggles (yes or no); Eyes Shield = Worker Wearing Face Shield (yes or no); Eyes None = Worker Wearing No Eye PPE (yes or no); Eyes Other = Worker Wearing Other Type of Eye PPE (yes or no); Eyes Other Description = Other Type of Eye PPE Description; Head Hat = Worker Wearing Hard Hat (yes or no); Body Frc = Worker Wearing Flame Retardant Clothing (yes or no); Body Apron = Worker Wearing Apron (yes or no); Body Sleeves = Worker Wearing Barrier Sleeves (yes or no); Body Pants = Worker Wearing Barrier Pants (yes or no); Body None = Worker Wearing Head/Body PPE (yes or no); Body Visible = Worker Wearing a Hi-Visible Garment (yes or no); Barrier Suit = Worker Wearing Breathable Barrier Suit (yes or no); Body Impervious Suit = Worker Wearing Impervious Suit (yes or no); Body Waders = Worker Wearing Chest Waders/Hip Boots (yes or no); Body Other = Worker Wearing any other Head/Body PPE not listed (yes or no); Body Other Type = Other type of Head/Body PPE not listed;
Sampling Gear Types; OVM Badge; 3M 3500 Organic Vapor Monitors; AT 521 1 Side; 3M 3520 Organic Vapor Monitors; Charcoal Tube; AT 521 2 Side; SKC Passive Sampler; Passive sampler - Propylene glycol;